Hinata is scared of the dark. KageHina.

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Hinata was terrified of the dark; he hated it. He needed any kind of light source to make sure he was safe. If he was trapped in the dark, he'd either break out into a full-blown panic attack or start sobbing like a child; he preferred the panic attack. Reasons for hating the dark were problems with his dad's friends. The touching his dad's friends would do in the dark terrified Hinata, and he thought if he went back in the dark, it would happen all over again. 

To help with this fear, Hinata had a nightlight in his room. It helped a lot. And when he didn't have that, he'd just turn his computer on and leave it running. When Hinata was at a friend's house, he'd either pull out his nightlight or just leave his phone light on. His middle school friends could care less; they preferred the light than a terrified friend. But Hinata got more nervous when he was in high school. He knew if some people found out, he'd get made fun of. When the training camps started, Hinata had no idea what his light source would be, but when he noticed the moon was basically right outside the window, he forced everyone to keep the curtains open. No one really cared; they all just thought Hinata liked the moon. Kageyama noticed something, though but couldn't tell what it was. He noticed how much Hinata would freak out whenever it got too dark. But he ignored it. 


When Kageyama and Hinata started to date, Hinata still didn't tell him about his fear. He knew Kageyama would make fun of him like he does with other things. 

Hinata smiles as he runs into Kageyama's room and falls on his bed. "How are you still energetic," Kageyama sighs. 

"What," Hinata smiles before looking at Kageyama. 

"Just get ready for bed," Kageyama yawns before he pulls his shirt off and changes into a different pair of pants. 

"Give me one of your shirts," Hinata smiles. Hinata sighs and throws a shirt at Hinata. Hinata changes quickly and soon puts the shirt on and gets under the covers. 

Kageyama smiles and turns the light off before getting in the bed. Hinata stiffened as his eyes go wide. He moves around to find his phone, so he can have light be he realized it's in his bag halfway across the room. Hinata's breathing starts to pick up, and his eyes fill with tears. Tears fall down his face, and he covers his mouth, trying to stop his sobbing, but he needs his mouth open so he can breathe. Hinata starts to shake, and it catches Kageyama's attention. "Hinata," Kageyama mumbles. Hinata soon breaks out into sobs, and Kageyama looks at his boyfriend, concerned. "Hinata," Kageyama says again. 

"L-Lights, please," Hinata sobs as he covers his face. 

Kageyama stands up quickly and runs over to the light switch. He turns the lights on and runs back over to Hinata. "Are you ok?" Kageyama asks. Hinata shakes his head and quickly hugs Kageyama. He sobs into his shoulder, trying to forget the terrible memories he had of the dark. Kageyama hugs Hinata tight and lets Hinata sob. "It's ok," Kageyama says. "Let it out," Kageyama smiles as he rubs Hinata's back and kisses Hinata's head. 

An hour goes by before Hinata stops. He pulls away and looks down at his hands. "I-I'm sorry," Hinata mumbles. 

"No, you're ok," Kageyama smiles. "You should have told me you were scared of the dark," Kageyama sighs. 

"I-I'm sorry, I-I just, I-I thought you'd m-make fun of me," Hinata says, tears coming to his eyes again. 

"I wouldn't; fears are something you can't control," Kageyama smiles before he holds Hinata's face in his hands. Tears come down Hinata's face, and he moves his thumb to wipe one away. "Don't cry, please," Kageyama says. 

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