Kagehina (Hinata has a bad day)

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Hinata's Friday was horrible. He woke up in the morning excited to spend the weekend with his mom and younger sister. They always have a weekend every month where they all watch movies and tell stories. He loved them. Hinata changed quickly and ran downstairs happily. "Hey, mom," Hinata smiles. 

"Hey sweety," She sighs as she's making Natsu's breakfast. 

"You okay?" Hinata asks as he grabs a glass. 

"Yeah, it's just, you know what today is," Hinata's mom sighs and looks at the floor. Hinata glanced at the calendar and his eyes widen. Today was the 8th anniversary of his dad leaving.  

"Oh, mom, why are you sad this year, you're usually like we don't need him," Hinata smiles and walks closer to his mom. 

"I know, we don't, we're doing fine, but Natsu is gonna find out why he left soon. She's gonna blame herself, it will be like you when you were 8," Hinata's mom says and looks at her son. 

"She'll get over it as I did," Hinata smiles and hugs his mom. Hinata's mom smiles as well and hugs her son back. "I have to go now, Bye mom," Hinata smiles and runs to the door. 

"Bye Shoyo," Hinata's mom smiles. Hinata runs out of there house and hops on his bike. He started to ride to school and it soon hit him. Today was the day his dad left 8 years ago. Hinata wasn't even thinking when he talking to his mom. He looked down at the ground and sighs. This day was always depressing. Even though he acted fine every year. It was still really hard. Hinata sighs to himself and keeps biking. Today was gonna be weird. Halfway down the mountain, his bike broke somehow. The moment Hinata heard something he groans. He gets off his bike and sighs. "Stupid chain," Hinata sighs. The broke. It didn't break off. It broke in half. Hinata groans and he takes the chain out. "I'm gonna be late," Hinata sighs. He throws the chain down and drags his bike down the hill. He would so leave it, but there was a weird dumping place somewhere near here where he could dump his bike. He sighs to himself and after 10 minutes he gave up. He walks into the grass and drops his bike. "Stupid bike," Hinata sighs and continues to walk. He pulls his phone out and his eyes widen at the time. He was so gonna be late. He was gonna get yelled at and have to run laps. Hinata groans and starts to jog a little. The jog soon turned into the run and when he got to his and Kageyama's meeting point and pouts when Kageyama isn't there. Hinata glances at his phone and sighs to himself. Practice starts 5 minutes ago. "Shit," Hinata sighs. He walks to the school and ran to the club room to change. He puts his practice uniform on and runs to the gym. "Sorry I'm late," Hinata says as he walks into the gym. 

"Finally, geez we thought you got sick or something," Tanaka laughs. 

"Yeah sorry, my bike broke on the way down the mountain," Hinata laughs softly. He glances around and sighs in relief when Ukai and Takeda weren't here. 

"Start stretching, and then you can work with Kageyama," Daichi says. Today was a free little do what you want practice thank god. Hinata did his stretches trying his best to get his dad out of his head. Hinata sighed and he looks down as he's stretches. 

Kageyama glanced over at Hinata and he sighs. Something was up. He set one to Asahi and Asahi smiles when he crushed it. "Thanks, Kageyama, I'm gonna work on blocks with Suga now," Asahi says as he leaves. Kageyama nods and glances over at his boyfriend. He walks over and stands in front of him. "You done?" Kageyama asks. Hinata nods and he smiles. 

"Let's do this," Hinata smiles. The two walk to the net and Hinata throws the ball up for Kageyama. He runs and jumps and spikes the ball. The two kept setting and spiking until Daichi spoke. 

Haikyu!!!. Oneshots. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つWhere stories live. Discover now