I'm taking a break.

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Haha, so I'm gonna take a break. 

I'm not ending this I'm just gonna take a break. I'm not into Haikyuu as much as I wanna be. But I hope when season 5 comes out I'll be back to writing. But yeah. 

I wanna apologize though for calling Oikawa a he instead of a she in the genderfluid Oikawa chapter. I don't read through my stuff a lot so I kinda wanna apologize for that. 

I may start a one-shot book about the sleepy bois from the Dream SMP cause I'm really into that, so if wanna see that I guess comment here or something. I know this is a haikyuu book but some of you guys might be dream SMP fans. i don't know. 

Anyways. I'll be back when ever I get motivation to write. I really don't know. And I don't wanna leave you guys all waiting and shit so. have a good life. 

may be back soon. don't know. 

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