Day 10: Bokuaka and Kuroken (Snowed in)

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"Bokuto, get off me," Akaashi groans. "I need to use the bathroom," Akaashi says. Bokuto groans and he rolls off Akaashi. Akaashi smiles a little and he runs to the bathroom. 

"Kuroo, get up, I'm bored," Bokuto whines while pushing him.

"Shut up, I wanna cuddle with Kenma before he plays his game," Kuroo groans and puts his face in Kenma's hair.  

Bokuto groans and he sits up and waits for Akaashi to come out. When Akaashi came out of the bathroom Bokuto smiles and he opens his arms. "Cuddle with me," Bokuto smiles. Akaashi chuckles softly and he walks to Bokuto. He sits on Bokuto's lap and wraps his arms around him. 


"Guys, look at all the snow," Kuroo says as he looks out the window. Everyone but Kenma looked and saw that three was snow almost at the top of the window. 

"Shit, well guess we're staying here for a while," Bokuto says and looks at Akaashi. 

Akaashi smiles a little and he leans on Bokuto. "Guess more cuddles," Akaashi smiles. Bokuto laughs a little and he nods and hugs Akaashi. 

Kuroo looks at the two and pouts. "Kenma, come cuddle with me," Kuroo whines. Kenma looks over at Kuroo and he pauses his game. He sighs and he crawls over to him and sits in his lap. Kenma continued his game and Kuroo wrapped his arms around him. 


A few hours went by with talking, cuddling, mostly eating. Kenma though just played his game the whole time. Well until he couldn't get past a level. 

Kenma threw his gaming console on the couch and he groans. "Stupid game," Kenma pouts and crosses his arms. Kuroo chuckles softly at his boyfriend and he smiles. 

"Yes, no more of you playing those stupid games," Kuroo chuckles and kisses Kenma's head. 

Akaashi looks at Bokuto and he kisses his check. "I've never seen Kenma throw his console like that, isn't it like his baby," Bokuto chuckles. 

"It is until the stupid fucking level is too hard," Kenma groans and he looks down. 

"Holy fuck, we just met a whole new Kenma who throws his baby and swears," Bokuto laughs. 

"You should see him when he almost finishes a game but doesn't, he has a tantrum and all and it's hilarious," Kuroo laughs. 

"It's not funny, it's annoying, you get so close and then one fucking thing messes it all up," Kenma groans. 


When the next day came the snow was mostly gone, Bokuto and Akaashi finally got to leave and Kenma got past the level. 


Haikyu!!!. Oneshots. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つWhere stories live. Discover now