Karasuno adorable bottoms.

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"Bye, mom," Hinata smiles as he leaves the house. Today Suga was hosting a party for him, Yamaguchi, Noya, and Ennoshita. I guess he didn't want the "tops" there so Daichi was having another party for the rest of the team. He grabs his bike and starts to bike towards Suga's house. He smiles as he sped up wanting to get there fast. Soon enough Hinata went by Kageyama's house. He stopped though and looked over to see Kageyama walking out his front door. "Kageyama," Hinata smiles and gets off his bike quickly running over to his boyfriend. He jumps into his arms making Kageyama chuckle. 

"Missed me?" Kageyama asks. 

"Yeah," Hinata smiles. 

"You literally saw me earlier today," Kageyama smiles and kisses Hinata's cheek. "You should get your bike from the road," Kageyama says as he sets Hinata down. 

"Can I leave it here, I wanna walk with you," Hinata says and walks towards his bike. 

Kageyama just nods and Hinata quickly puts his bike near Kageyama's house. He walks back over to Kageyama and opens his arms. "I'm not carrying you," Kageyama sighs. Hinata quickly grew a pout and he crossed his arms making Kageyama look away quickly. The moment he glanced back over at Hinata he had his puppy dog eyes and Kageyama of course gave in. He picked up Hinata and started walking towards Suga's house. 

"Thank god Suga and Daichi live near each other," Hinata smiles. "I get to have my boyfriend carry me there," Hinata smiles. Kageyama rolls his eyes and continues to walk. Hinata was rambling on about something while Kageyama made sure to not drop Hinata. He did it once and was never gonna do it again, he hoped. Kageyama glances at Hinata and smiles a little loving the smile on his boyfriend's face. Kageyama, of course, had to trip over literally nothing which resulted in him dropping Hinata. Hinata yelped as he was dropped from his boyfriend's arms groaning when he fell to the ground. "Ow," Hinata whines as he sits up. 

"Holy shit Hinata I'm sorry," Kageyama says. 

"Again," Hinata glares making Kageyama groan. 

"I will never hear the end of this," Kageyama sighs. Hinata pouts and stands up starting to walk away. Kageyama groans at his boyfriend but quickly caught up to him. He grabs one of Hinata's hands and holds it tight so Hinata can't getaway. "I'm sorry," Kageyama says. "I tripped over something and I didn't mean to drop you," Kageyama sighs. Hinata glances over at Kageyama and squeezes his hand. 

"I'm fine, better than last time when you dropped me down the stairs," Hinata says with a glare. 

"Hey, I saw a spider and I got scared, I'm sorry those eight-legged monsters scare me," Kageyama whines. Hinata rolls his eyes and laughs. 


The two parted ways when Hinata got to Suga's house. Hinata kissed Kageyama bye and walked towards the door finding Yamaguchi. Kageyama just walked to the house next door and of course, Tsukishima was there teasing Kageyama. 

"Hinata," Yamaguchi smiles as he knocks on the door. 

"Yama," Hinata yells and hugs Yamaguchi making Yamaguchi laugh a little. The door soon opened and Suga was standing there a smile on his face. 

"Hey guys," Suga smiles. 

"Hey Suga," The two say as they walk into Suga's house. 

"Noya and Ennoshita are already here, there just in the living room, do you guys want anything to drink?" Suga asks. 

"Water," The two say at the same time. Suga smiles and walks off leaving the two. 

"HINATA!!!" They heard and quickly saw Noya running towards the two. 

Haikyu!!!. Oneshots. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つWhere stories live. Discover now