Part 7: Daisuga (Getting Christmas Tree)

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"Alright, we need a Christmas tree for the party, so let's try getting one that's big," Suga smiles as he stares at all the trees in front of them. 

"Not too big though," Daichi says and wraps his arm around Suga. 

Suga nods and he looks around. "They're all tiny," Suga whines. 

Daichi chuckles and he looks at Suga. Suga had on this little cute mad face that almost made Daichi go aw. "Come on, will find one I promise," Daichi says and walks with Suga. 

After what felt like an hour to Daichi Suga finally found the best one. "Look at it, It's so big and perfect Daichi, we need it," Suga smiles as he runs over to the tree. 

"Alright, I'll go find someone," Daichi says and walks away to go look for a worker. 

Soon enough Daichi came back and the worker took the tree away. "Yes finally, we have the tree, before the Christmas party we should get everyone to come help decorate it, well maybe not everyone," Suga smiles. 

Daichi nods and kisses Suga's head. "Anyone who is willing to help can come over and help," Daichi smiles. Suga nods and he soon runs to there car. 

The people who worked there started putting the tree on the car and Daichi helped while Suga was sitting in the car asking who could help come and decorate.

Daichi got in the car and looked at Suga. "Who can come?" Daichi asks. 

"Hinata and Kageyama, Oikawa and Iwaizumi, Bokuto and Akaashi, and Kenma and Kuroo," Suga smiles. 

"Well decorating will be interesting," Daichi laughs. 


Haikyu!!!. Oneshots. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つWhere stories live. Discover now