Haikyuu given au. KAGEHINA

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Basically Hinata has Mafuyu's life basically. 

IT'S Still volleyball. 

Atsumu is Yuki by the way. 

Also, I'm not writing the whole story just that one scene where Mafuyu's sees his buddy and runs away. Hinata is with the whole team instead of just one person.

Now you may read

Hinata Shoyo had an interesting life. When he was young his dad was abusive to him, he didn't speak cause of it, but it all changed when he met Atsumu. Atsumu helped him get rid of his dad and he started to have a better life. He grew up with Atsumu and Atsumu's twin Osamu. They were all best friends, well until Atsume confessed his love to Hinata. They got together of course, but only one was in love. Osamu could tell, kids from there school could tell, everyone knew but Atsumu. Hinata tried not to hurt Atsumu but it didn't work when they got into a fight. It was a bad fight, Hinata said things he didn't wanna say, which he never got to apologize for. It wasn't cause he didn't want to, it's cause he couldn't. 


(This is like halfway through there first year)

"Oh hush Bakayama," Hinata whines as he and Kageyama are walking with there team. Kageyama rolls his eyes and grabs his boyfriend's hand. 

"Hey since it's the weekend, anyone wanna stay at my house tonight?" Daichi asks. 

"Oh hell yeah," Noya and Tanaka cheer. Everyone nods and they follow Daichi to the house. Hinata is laughing with Noya when he hears his name. He quickly shut up when he realized the voice. He turned around and saw the one person who didn't wanna see now. 

"Hey Hinata," Osamu says. 

His team stopped and Kageyama walked to Hinata. "Who's that," Kageyama asks. 

Hinata's breathing stopped and he gripped onto his bag straps. "It's been a while," Osamu says as he walks a little closer. "I haven't seen you since middle school," Osamu sighs. Hinata moved back a little and gripped onto his bag strap tighter. "Is that Atsumu's bag?" Osamu asks. The next thing Hinata does is run away. He ran away like he always does, from his family, friends, and his problems. 

"Hinata!!" Kageyama yells quickly chasing after him. At this point, their team chased after the two ignoring the Osamu guy. "Hinata!!!" Kageyama yells again. Hinata was crying now, he wiped his eyes as he kept running ignoring the yells from Kageyama and his team. "Damn it Hinata!!!" Kageyama yells and grabs Hinata's arm. The two stopped completely and Hinata looked down. The two were catching there breath by the time the team was there. "Who was that?" Kageyama asks. Tears were falling down Hinata's face faster and he Kageyama noticed. "Hinata," Kageyama sighs and pulls him into a hug. Hinata clings to Kageyama and their team watches the to wondering who the hell that Osamu guy was. 


They all walked into Daichi's house in silence hoping Hinata will say something. "Hinata," Kageyama says. Hinata looks up at Kageyama and sighs a little. 

"Can we sit down before I say anything," Hinata mumbles. They all nod and walk up towards Daichi's room. Soon they all sat down somewhere are stare at Hinata. 

"You can tell us when your ready," Daichi smiles. 

"Yeah, don't need to say anything now," Suga says. Hinata nods and grabs Kageyama's hand sighing a little. 

"Well, Osamu, is an old friend, he had a twin brother named Atsumu and we were all best friends until well I and Atsumu dated in middle school," Hinata says. "I didn't really like Atsumu that way but I didn't wanna break his heart," Hinata sighs. Kageyama glances at Hinata a little surprised that he learned his boyfriend had dated before. "We dated throughout middle school him going into his first year of high school while I was still in my last year of middle school," Hinata bit his lip and squeezed Kageyama's hand. "We ended up fighting one day, we both said things that we shouldn't have and then," Hinata stopped as he felt tears come to his eyes. "During the fight, I told him if he was willing to die for me, and....." Hinata stops and covers his face. Kageyama quickly hugged Hinata and the team sat there feeling bad for Hinata. 

"It's ok, it's not your fault," Kageyama whispers. 

"Yeah, you just said something you didn't mean," Suga says. 

"It happens all the time, this Atsumu guy just took it a little too seriously," Daichi smiles. 

Hinata nods slowly but keeps his face hidden. Kageyama rubs Hinata's back and sighs. Hinata didn't wanna have to think about that day ever again, but Osamu just had to find him. 


The night goes on and everything is fine. Hinata went back to his normal self and everyone was happy about that. When sleeping came though they all split into different rooms. Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Tanaka, and Ennoshita were in the living room. Hinata, Kageyama, Daichi, and Suga were in Daichi's room. Asahi and Noya got the guest room this time. 


Hinata sighs as he walks to Atsumu's house. It's been a few days since he's heard from him and he was worried. "Atsumu?" Hinata asks as he knocks on the door. He sighs and grabs the house key from under the mat. He opens the door and walks into the house. "Atsumu?" Hinata yells. He sighs and walks towards Atsumu's bedroom. He opens the door and his eyes go wide. There was Atsumu, hanging, dried blood on Atsumu's arms, and dried blood below him. Hinata didn't scream, he stood there in shock. He didn't believe this was real, how did no one else in the house find him. Tears soon came down Hinata's face and he ran away. He ran all the way into Osamu's chest. 

"Hey what's wrong?" Osamu asks. 

"A-Atsumu, h-his room," Hinata cries his breathing picking up again. Osamu ran all the way upstairs and Hinata heard Osamu yell. Hinata ran out of the house and all the way home. 


Hinata shot up from the floor thankfully he was quiet. He looks around the room and notices Suga and Daichi were gone. He looks over at Kageyama and soon hugs him tight. He shoves his face into Kageyama's chest tears coming out of his eyes. 

"Hinata," Kageyama groans as he wakes up. When he realized Hinata was crying he was wide awake. "What's wrong?" Kageyama asks. 

"I found him, Kageyama, dead, t-there was blood, a-and he was just dangling there," Hinata mumbles tears coming out faster. Kageyama hugs him tight and soon sits up. 

"Your gonna be ok," Kageyama says and kisses Hinata's head. Hinata cries softly into Kageyama's chest Kageyama mumbling sweet things to Hinata. Soon enough Kageyama made Hinata laugh and Hinata started to feel better. The two soon lay back down and fall back asleep. 

I TRIED. This wasn't one of my best. 

Haikyu!!!. Oneshots. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つWhere stories live. Discover now