Cuddles. KageHina.

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"Kageyama, you said you'd be home two hours ago," Hinata whines with a pout.

"Baby, I know, I'm just really backed up at work ok," Kageyama sighs into the phone.

"I know, just, text me when you're leaving, please," Hinata says and sits on the couch.

"I will ok, love you," Kageyama smiles.

"Alright, love you too," Hinata says and hangs up.

Kageyama always had to work late. He always says he'd be home soon, but then hours later, he never comes home. Hinata gets worried. A lot. He wants his husband to be home and safe but also cuddling him. Hinata hopes Kageyama comes home soon.

"Dumb Kageyama, always having to work," Hinata groans. He stands up, and he walks out of the living room and into the kitchen.

"Food time," Hinata giggles and starts to look through the fridge.

"Sushi from yesterday, Nah, ramen, not tonight," Hinata mumbles to himself. He's gotten pretty used to eating alone on weekdays; he'd either eat leftovers or sometimes nothing, other times sweets.

"Today is a cookie day, I guess," Hinata chuckles, and he quickly starts to look around the kitchen where the cookies would be. Kageyama always hides the cookies; he's making sure Hinata doesn't eat all of them. Hinata knows not to eat them all anyway, cause last time, Kageyama was the maddest he'd ever seen him in his life, Hinata thought he was going to die that day.

"There they are," Hinata smiles, and he pulls the cookie box out.

"A few will be fine, Kageyama won't know," Hinata giggles and takes three. He quickly puts the box back to where it was and went out to the living room.

Hinata sits on the couch, and he turns the tv on to some random Japanese love show. He watched the tv for a little while, munching on the cookies until he got bored and went scrolling through Instagram on his phone.


"Hinata, I'm home," Kageyama yells as he walks into the house. No response.

"Hinata?" Kageyama yells again. This time there was still no response, but he heard something from the living room. Kageyama groaned, and he walks out to the living to see his husband trying to hide the three more cookies he had.

"Hinata," Kageyama groans. "I said no cookies," Kageyama sighs.

"I'm only having 3, that's all," Hinata whines while eating one.

"It will be only 2 when you give me one," Kageyama says and sits down next to Hinata.

"NOOOOOO," Hinata whines. "Get your own," Hinata says with a pout.

"Shōyō," Kageyama says more sternly this time.

"Fine," Hinata groans and gives a cookie to Kageyama.

Kageyama smiles a bit, and he devoured the cookie. "What'd you make for dinner?" Kageyama asks as he wraps his arm around Hinata's shoulder.

"Nothing," Hinata says while moving closer to Kageyama.

"Baby, you have to eat," Kageyama chuckles softly.

"I'm not hungry, though," Hinata whines and looks at Kageyama.

"I'll make ramen ok; you can have some if you want," Kageyama says and gets up.

"Alright," Hinata mumbles and watches Kageyama walk off.


After the two finished the ramen Kageyama made, Hinata wanted cuddles bad.

"Kageyama, can we cuddle now, I'm cold and need warmth and love now," Hinata yells from the couch with a pout.

"I'm coming I'm coming ok, we could be already cuddling if you washed your bowl out though," Kageyama mumbles and sits on the couch.

"Shut up, Bakayama," Hinata whines while crossing his arms. He looked over at Kageyama with a cute little pout and glare trying his best to look tough.

"Do you wanna cuddle or not," Kageyama says blandly.

"Cuddle," Hinata says quickly and crawls next to Kageyama.

Kageyama rolls his eyes, and he puts Hinata in his lap. He wraps his arms around Hinata and puts his chin on his shoulder. "Can't believe your same height since highschool, Noya even got taller," Kageyama laughs.

"Shut up, Bakayama," Hinata yells and pouts. "I'm not that short anyway," Hinata whines.

"Babe, I saw a kid in elementary school taller than you while I was coming home," Kageyama says and laughs.

"SHUT UP," Hinata says, and he crosses his arms.

Kageyama rolls his eyes, and he looks at Hinata. "Look at me, Hinata, look at me," Kageyama says but only makes Hinata look away quickly and try to keep his face away from Kageyama.

"Hinata, I'm sorry ok, it's just funny ok," Kageyama says and kisses Hinata's neck softly.

"It's not funny," Hinata pouts and tries to push Kageyama away.

"Fine, it's not funny, I'm sorry," Kageyama says and tries to get Hinata to look at him. Finally, Kageyama just grabbed Hinata's hips and turned him so they could sit face to face.

Hinata, of course, quickly tried to look away from Kageyama again.

"Shōyō," Kageyama says and grabs Hinata's chin. He moves Hinata's face to look at him and smiles as he sees it.

Hinata quickly adverted his eyes and kept his pout. "Shōyō, come on, I'm sorry, it wasn't funny, ok," Kageyama says. Hinata slowly looked back at Kageyama, and he glared a little.

"You're not lying right," Hinata says.

"No, I promise I'm not, now let me kiss you, I haven't gotten a kiss since I've been home," Kageyama says and leans in to kiss Hinata.

Hinata laughs, and he leans in as well. They both kissed softly, and soon enough, Kageyama pulled away.

"Cuddles now," Kageyama says and hugs Hinata close to him.

Hinata laughs and hugs Kageyama back. "I love you, Bakayama," Hinata giggles.

"Love you too, dumbass," Kageyama says and closes his eyes.

After about an hour of cuddling Hinata and Kageyama, slowly got tired.

"Let's go sleep," Kageyama yawns.

"No, I'm not tired," Hinata whines with his eyes slowly shutting.

"Shōyō comes on; your basically falling asleep," Kageyama sighs and stands up with his arms around Hinata still.

Hinata himself quickly wrapped his arms around Kageyama's neck and his legs around Kageyama's waist. "Don't drop me, please," Hinata yawns with a tired giggle.

"I dropped you one time, one time," Kageyama says while glaring at Hinata.

"Just walk up to the bed," Hinata yawns.

"Night Yama," Hinata yawns as he lays his head on Kageyama's chest.

"Night Shōyō," Kageyama mumbles and closes his eyes.

Soon enough, the two fell asleep happily.


Haikyu!!!. Oneshots. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つWhere stories live. Discover now