Daisuga, Kagehina, and Iwaoi (Family Au)

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"Do you guys wanna come over and we can watch a movie?" Suga asks. "Daichi," He mumbles pushing him away as Daichi tried to kiss his neck. 

"Oh yeah sure, that would be awesome," Oikawa smiles.  

"Alright, Daichi!!" Suga yells as Daichi bit Suga's neck.

"Text me when you're done," Oikawa smirks and hangs up. 


"Kageyama, where are we going?" Hinata asks as he looks up from his phone. 

"We're going to a park, there's gonna be fireworks," Kageyama smiles. 

"Oh, I love fireworks," Hinata cheers. Kageyama chuckles and looks away. Soon he looks back and Hinata was on his phone again. 

"When we get to the park, I'm taking your phone," Kageyama smirks.

"WHAT!!!" Hinata whines while putting his phone away. "WHY!!!!" Hinata whines again.

"You're on it non stop now," Kageyama says and looks over at Hinata. 

"What no," Hinata glares at Kageyama. 

"Yeah, or do I have to force you?" Kageyama smirks. 

Hinata rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. "Fine," He mumbles. Kageyama smirks and soon the two were at the park. Hinata put his phone in his pocket and gets out of the car. 

Kageyama goes to the trunk and grabs the blanket and basket. "Phone," Kageyama smirks. Hinata glares at Kageyama and shakes his head. "Hinata," Kageyama says. Hinata pouts and soon hands him his phone. "Thank you, now come with me," Kageyama smiles and grabs Hinata's hand. Hinata smiles and follows Kageyama. The two-run up a hill and soon they stop. 

Hinata looks down at the lake near the park and he smiles. "It a great view," Hinata smiles. 

Kageyama sets the blanket down and looks over at Hinata. "It is," Kageyama smirks as he stares at Hinata's ass. 

Hinata looks over at his boyfriend and he smiles. He soon rolls his eyes as he realized Kageyama wasn't even looking at the view. "You pervert," Hinata rolls his eyes and sits down on the blanket. Kageyama chuckles and sits next to him. 

"The fireworks should start soon," Kageyama smiles and wraps his arm around Hinata. Hinata cuddles up to Kageyama and soon looks at the basket. 

"If there no chocolate in there, I will be mad," Hinata smiles. 

"There is," Kageyama chuckles and pulls the basket closer. He opens it and pulls out the chocolate and sandwiches he had. He sets them down and Hinata quickly grabbed the chocolate and started eating. Kageyama smiles and starts to eat his sandwich. The two sat in silence until they both heard a boom. Hinata's jump and lets a yelp out. They look at the sky and both smile as fireworks started going. Hinata face lit up and he watches the firework happily. Kageyama bites his lip and sighs. "Can you stand up for a second Hinata?" Kageyama asks. 

"Why?" Hinata asks. 

"I'm gonna move the blanket closer," Kageyama lies. Hinata nods and he stands up still watching the fireworks. Kageyama stands up as well and pulls the small box he had in his pocket. "Hinata, we've known each other since we were kids, and we've been dating since middle school, I love you so much," Kageyama smiles. Hinata turns towards Kageyama and when Kageyama got down on one knee Hinata started crying already. "I love you so much, and I wanna spend the rest of my life with you, Hinata Shoyo," Kageyama stops and Hinata was already nodding. "Will you marry me?" Kageyama asks. 

"YES!!" Hinata cries as he covers his face. Kageyama chuckles at him and stands up. He grabs Hinata's hand and puts the ring on it as he looks at Hinata's crying face. Kageyama hugs Hinata as Hinata cries into Kageyama's chest. Kageyama smiles and he kisses Hinata's head. 

"I love you," Kageyama smiles. 

"I love you too!!!" Hinata cries. 


All four parents were watching the movie that was on and Suga had his phone close. When it went off he picked it up quickly and smiles at the name. "Hey Hinata," Suga smiles as Daichi pauses the movie. 

"Dad!!!" Hinata smiles. 

"Yeah?" He asks. 

"Is Oikawa and Iwaizumi with you?" Hinata asks. 

"Yeah, why?" Suga asks. 

"Put your phone on speaker," Hinata smiles. Suga smiles and he puts the phone on speaker. Hinata already had his on and they could hear mumbling. 

"Why are we on speaker?" Daichi asks. 

"Me and Kageyama have something to say," Hinata smiles. 

"Alright what is it," Iwaizumi asks. 

"Me and Kageyama are engaged," Hinata cheers. All four parents were in shock before Suga speaks. 

"Wait really?" Suga asks. 

"Yeah, I just asked him to marry me 10 minutes ago," Hinata chuckles. 

"I asked him to marry me," Kageyama says all four parents knowing he was rolling his eyes. 

"Well, congrats you too," Oikawa smiles. 

"You guys aren't surprised?" Hinata asks, 

All four parents started to laugh and Daichi was the first to stop. "Boys, we expected it when you two started to date," Daichi smiles. 

"Oh, well, okay," Hinata smiles. 

"Me and Oikawa will definitely help with the wedding, so text one of us when you know the date," Suga smiles. 

"Ok, well bye guys," Hinata smiles. 

"Bye," Kageyama says. 

"Bye," All four parents said as Suga hung off. Soon enough Suga and Oikawa were hugging each other. "They're getting married," They both cried. Iwaizumi and Daichi rolled there eyes and Daichi unpaused the movie. 


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