Kagehina (Valentines day)

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"Suga I need your help, I have no idea what to get Kageyama," Hinata whines through the phone.

"Start with chocolate okay, then get him something volleyball related," Suga sighs.

"But what kinda chocolate, god maybe I shouldn't get him anything, maybe I should just hide from him all day so I don't have to give him anything," Hinata kept rambling on for a good for few minutes until Suga sighed.

"Hinata, it'll be fine, does Kageyama even eat chocolate?" Suga asks.

"Yeah, he eats some weird brand, OOOH I'LL GET HIM THAT BRAND THEN!!!" Hinata yells happily.

"Don't yell please," Suga groans. "Well get him that chocolate and maybe a stuffed bear?" Suga asks. "Would he like that?" Suga asks.

"I don't think so, OOOH, I have the volleyball we played with when he asked me out, I could put our names on it and then give it to him," Hinata smiles.

"That would be cute, see you don't need me to come up with stuff," Suga laughs. "Shoot I have to go Daichi is calling me, call me after okay, bye," Suga says.

"Bye Suga," Hinata smiles and hangs the phone up. He smiles to himself and bites his lip softly. "Let's hope he likes it," Hinata mumbles and quickly runs off to his room to find the volleyball.

"Where is it," Hinata whines after a good 10 minutes of looking. He looks around one more time and let a groan out when he couldn't find it. "Shit," Hinata mumbles. He falls on his bed and covers his face. "Welp the volleyball idea is out the window," Hinata sighs sadly. He thought all hope was gone until he felt something get thrown at him.

"Shoyo I found this in the living room, I was thinking you would need it," Shoyo's mom smiles.

"You found it!!!" Hinata excitedly yells. "Thank you thank you mom," Hinata smiles as he stands up and runs to his desk.

Hinata's mom smiles softly and chuckles. "I'm going out, Natsu is coming with me, make sure you be safe at Kageyama's house, use protection," Hinata's mom giggles. Hinata's face went red quickly and he looks at his mom.

"M-Mom," Hinata whines.

"I'm kidding, have fun tonight okay," Hinata's mom smiles and leaves.

Hinata smiles to himself and writes his and Kageyama's names on the ball. "He's gonna love this," Hinata smiles as he puts a few hearts around it.


"Okay Hinata, you can do this, you have the chocolate and the ball, you'll be fine," Hinata mumbles to himself as he walks towards Kageyama's house. When he gets to the door he knocks holding his breath.

"Coming!!" Hinata heard from inside the house. Soon enough the door was opened and Hinata smiles as he saw his boyfriend.

"Hi," Hinata smiles.

"Hi," Kageyama chuckles and lets Hinata in. "My moms not here so we can do what we want tonight," Kageyama smirks as he shuts the door.

"Which is watch movies and cuddle," Hinata teases as he sets the bag down. "You better have gotten me a present," Hinata smiles as he stands on his tippy toes to kiss Kageyama's cheek.

"I did, but your gonna have to wait," Kageyama says. "Movies, cuddle, and pizza now," Kageyama smiles as he picks Hinata up and walks to the living room.

"Aw, why can't I have my present now?" Hinata whines with a pout.

"You have to wait," Kageyama smiles.

Haikyu!!!. Oneshots. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つWhere stories live. Discover now