5 times Hinata and Kageyama got in trouble. KageHina, IwaOi, and DaiSuga.

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Elementary school

Hinata sits on the top of the slide and smiles. "I rule the playground now," Hinata cheers.

"Can I rule it to?" Kageyama asks.

Hinata's eyes light up, and he nods. Kageyama comes up the ladder and stands behind Hinata. "Can I rule too?" Some random girl asks.

"No," Kageyama says.

"No," Hinata says as well, making the girl glare.

"Two boys can't rule something, that's weird," The girl says. Hinata glares and holds up the middle finger to her, which he learned from his parents. The girl gasps but soon ran off. Hinata and Kageyama start to giggle, and soon Hinata went down the slide.

"Kageyama, go down the slide," Hinata smiles as he climbs the latter again. Kageyama nods and goes down, smiling. Hinata cheered and was about to go down the slide again before the girl came back.

"My mommy says that two boys ruling is gross, she says you need a girl and a boy to rule," The girl pouts.

"Well, your mom is dumb, asshole," Hinata giggles once again, learning this from his dad's.

"Yeah, asshole," Kageyama laughs. The girl's mouth goes wide, and her eyes start to water.

"MOMMY!!" The girl screams while running off. Hinata and Kageyama quickly run away from the playset and back to there parents.

"Oh there back," Oikawa smiles.

"Let's go home now," Hinata says.

"Yeah," Kageyama says and grabs his dad's hand.

"We've only been here for 10 minutes; you wanna leave already?" Suga asks. The two nods, and Iwaizumi looks around his eyes on a mom and a crying girl walking over.

"Excuse me, you need to teach your kids some manner," The mom says.

"What did they do?" Daichi asks.

"They said a bad word and flipped my daughter off," The mom says.

Hinata and Kageyama quickly hide as their dads glare at them. "We learned them from you," Hinata mumbles.

"You know maybe if these boys spent time with there moms, this wouldn't have happened," The lady says.

"Ma' ma, they don't have moms," Oikawa says.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, did they die?" She asks her face filled with regret.

"No, we're married," Suga says and points to Daichi.

"Yeah, same," Oikawa laughs a little while pointing at Iwaizumi.

The mom's face filled with disgust and she glares at them. "No wonder there horrible kids," The mom says. The four dads look at her surprised but soon they glared.

Haikyu!!!. Oneshots. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つWhere stories live. Discover now