Hinata has a sad childhood. KageHina.

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When Hinata explains everything, he's kinda just gotten over everything. 

Hinata pouts as he lays his head in Kageyama's lap. The rest of the team was talking about how Noya was a little bitch when he was younger, and some shared their childhoods too. Hinata had probably one of the worst childhoods ever, so thinking about how happy he could have been wasn't one thing he wanted to do right now. 

Kageyama knew. Of course, he did. He was Hinata's boyfriend, after all. He knew that it was bothering him, but neither wanted to ruin the fun. So they acted like they were watching and listening, but really they had tuned out either and cuddled each other. 

"Hey, Hey guys," Noya says, clapping his hands in front of their faces. "Love birds. Your turn to share," Noya smiles. 

"Were good," The two say. Instead of everyone begging the two, they let it go. Hinata smiles at this and shoves his face into Kageyama's stomach. Kageyama smiles and plays with Hinata's hair. Noya and Tanaka glance over at Hinata and Kageyama and pout. They knew nothing about their younger selves, and they wanted to know. 

"You guys," Tanaka whines. 

"You gotta share," Noya groans. This ending up getting them both hit by Suga and a glare from Daichi. "We can't be the only ones who wanna know," Noya whines while holding where Suga hit. 

"Kageyama, tell us about middle school Oikawa," Tanaka says. 

"He was a dick and tried to hit me," Kageyama mumbles. 

"He tried to hit you?" Everyone asks. 

"In Oikawa's defense, I think I would have hit middle school Kageyama too," Hinata giggles, and Kageyama glares at. "I've seen photos; you looked so hittable," Hinata chuckles. Kageyama rolls his eyes and grips onto Hinata's hair. Hinata pouts and hits Kageyama's hand away. 

"Other than that, I guess nothing else really happened," Kageyama says. 

"What about your family?" Noya asks, and of course, he gets hit again. 

"I had a grandpa, who taught me volleyball, then he died in middle school," Kageyama says. 

"That's why he became the great king," Hinata smirks. 

Everyone stares at Kageyama in shock when they found out the real reason was a good one instead of Kageyama being a cocky asshole. "Not something I'm proud of," Kageyama grumbles. Hinata smiles and soon sits up. A few pair of eyes are on him, and Hinata sighs. 

"You don't have to," Suga smiles. Of course, though Tanaka and Noya and even Tsukishima wanted to know, Tsukishima cause he wanted dirt on Hinata. 

"I guess," Hinata mumbles. He bites his lip and soon looks at Kageyama. "A lot of shit happened," Hinata sighs. "So I had a pretty normal life until I was five, I got hit by dad a lot, and I had to basically do everything in the house while my mom was gone," Hinata mumbles. "When my sister was born, my dad was happier cause he wanted a girl, so I was kinda just there to clean, but at least I didn't get hit," Hinata laughs, but the laugh was not genuine. "Then one day, my dad had friends over, and they well used me each time," Hinata mumbles. "Um, after that, I was just used whenever someone came over, for whatever they needed, something to do with sex, cleaning; I mean it wasn't all bad, some people would pay me," Hinata sighs. Tears come to his eyes as he remembers the first time his dad used him. "My dad used me too, a lot," Hinata says, making everyone's hearts break. "Can I stop?" Hinata asks. 

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