Trans Kenma (KuroKen)

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Kenma smiles as he finally beats the boss of his game. He stands up and walks over to his stack of games. "Kenma, don't start another game," Kuroo whines.

"Shush," Kenma mumbles and puts a new game in his switch.

Kuroo groans and covers his face. "You're just ignoring me," Kuroo whines.

"I'll cuddle you while I play this game," Kenma smiles. Kuroo smiles and opens his arms. When Kenma started the game he walked over to Kuroo and laid on top of him.

Kuroo smiles and hugs Kenma. "I love you," Kuroo smiles.

"I love you too," Kenma mumbles. The two lay there and cuddle until one of there phones went off.

"It's yours," Kuroo says. Kenma pauses his game and looks at his phone. His eyes soon go wide and he snatches his phone. He quickly answers it and gets off Kuroo.

"Hello," Kenma smiles. Kuroo watches his boyfriend and watches as Kenma's eyes start to fill with tears. "Yep, ok, July 10th will work," Kenma smiles. "Thank you so much," Kenma says as he wipes his eyes. "Ok, bye," Kenma smiles and sets his phone down.

"What was that about?" Kuroo asks. Kenma doesn't respond. He just hugs Kuroo and cries happily into his shoulder. Kuroo sits there and hugs Kenma quickly. After a few minutes, Kuroo looks at Kenma. "What's up?" Kuroo asks.

"I-I'm gonna get surgy, so I can be a boy," Kenma cries. Kuroo smiles and he quickly hugs Kenma tighter.

"Are you just gonna get top or all of it?" Kuroo asks.

"I-I don't know, he says he's gonna meet with me and parents and see what he can do," Kenma smiles. Kuroo wipes the tears from Kenma's face and smiles.

"Can I go with you?" Kuroo asks.

"Please," Kenma smiles. Kuroo smiles and he kisses Kenma's cheek.

"I'll there with you a swear," Kuroo smiles. Kenma smiles and quickly hugs Kuroo. "You gonna go back to your game?" Kuroo asks.

"Nope, I'll cuddle you for now," Kenma mumbles. Kuroo's eyes light up and he hugs Kenma tight. A few minutes go by and Kenma looks at Kuroo. "K-Kuroo...... I can't breathe," Kenma whispers. Kuroo quickly loosens his grip and Kenma kisses his cheek. "Love you," Kenma smiles.

"Love you too," Kuroo says.

another one.

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