Daisuga, Kagehina, Iwaoi (Family au, once again)

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"Night papa, night dad," Hinata says as he walks out of the bathroom.

"Night Hinata," Both his parents yell from there room. Hinata smiles and he walks into his room. He shuts the door and soon jumps on his bed. Hinata sighs and picks up his phone. He starts to scroll through Instagram until he got a text from Kageyama.

'Go to your window,'

Hinata chuckles and stands up. He walks to his window and looks to see Kageyama down there. He opens his window and rolls his eyes at Kageyama. "What are you doing?" Hinata whisper yells.

"Come down here," Kageyama whisper yells back.

"What no, were not sneaking out again," Hinata says.

"Come on, let's go on a late-night date," Kageyama smirks.

"My parents will kill me if they find out Kageyama, I'm not risking it again," Hinata whines.

"Just come down here," Kageyama smiles.

Hinata rolls his eyes and sighs. "Let me change," Hinata says. He shuts the window and walks to his closet. He puts on a pair of jeans and one of Kageyama's sweatshirts. He walks back to the window and opens it again. "Catch me," Hinata mumbles as he starts to climb down. He shuts his window the best he can and soon jumps off. Kageyama catches him and sets him down. "So what will our late-night date be?" Hinata whispers as the two run away from the house.

"A movie," Kageyama smiles. Hinata chuckles a little and the two run out of there neighborhood. Hinata grabs Kageyama's hand and the two continue to walk towards the movie theater.

"Let's hope none of our parents wake up," Hinata smiles.

"Yeah, but it's worth it," Kageyama chuckles. "A late-night date is always fun," Kageyama smiles. Hinata nods and looks at Kageyama.

"You have money?" Hinata asks.

"Yep," Kageyama says while pulling his wallet out. Hinata smiles and kisses Kageyama's cheek.


Suga woke up in the middle of the night feeling like something was off. "Daichi," Suga mumbles while waking him up.

"What," Daichi groans while rubbing his eyes.

"Somethings's off, I'm gonna check on Hinata," Suga smiles. "I need you to let me go," Suga says. Daichi rolls his eyes and let's go.

"You're just overreacting," Daichi chuckles. Suga rolls his eyes and gets up from the bed. He walks to Hinata's room and opens the door.

"Hinata," Suga asks as he walks to the bed. His eyes go wide as he sees his son, not in the bed. "DAICHI!!!" Suga yells and runs back to his room.

"What?" Daichi asks.

"HINATA'S NOT IN HIS BED!!!" Suga yells and covers his face.

"WHAT!!!" Daichi yells.

"He's not in his room, where the heck did he go," Suga mumbles and the two parents quickly run to his room. They looked through the room and Suga soon looks at the kinda open window. "Oh lord," Suga mumbles. "Someone broke into the house and took him," Suga mumbles while sitting on the bed.

"Suga, no one did," Daichi sighs and sits next to him. "Let's call him," Daichi says and pulls his phone out. He calls Hinata and waits for him to pick up. Hinata didn't pick up, so Suga started to freak out.

Haikyu!!!. Oneshots. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つWhere stories live. Discover now