MattsunHanaIwaOi the tops are jealous.

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SEx kinda. 

Oikawa smiles as he walks downstairs. "Alright boys, I'm hanging out with Hinata; I'll be back," Oikawa smiles. 

"Be safe," Makki mumbles, not taking his eyes away from the tv. Oikawa looks over at them and soon looks into the living room and looks at the tv. 

"Oh my god, you guys are watching one of my alien movies," Oikawa cheers. "I'd knew you'd like them," Oikawa laughs before he looks at his boyfriends. 

"Wanna watch it with us?" Mattsun asks. 

"I've already seen it too much, anyway, I'll be back," Oikawa smiles before running out of the house. 

"We couldn't even get him to stay for one of his alien movies," Makki whines. 

"I can't watch it anymore; turn it off," Iwaizumi groans. 

Mattsun turns off the tv and sighs. "Should we follow him?" Mattsun asks. 

Iwaizumi chuckles and stands up. "Yep," Iwaizumi says while grabbing the keys. 


When the three found Oikawa and Hinata, they watch them walking with coffee. They quickly hid behind a bush and watched the two walk around the park. "Look at him, trying to steal Oikawa from us," Makki mumbles before glaring at the short red-head. 

When Hinata bumped into Oikawa, Iwaizumi and Makki had to hold Mattsun back. "Don't attack him," Iwaizumi says. "He's small; you'd kill him," Iwaizumi says. 

"That's what I wanna do," Mattsun glares. 

"Look at the way Hinata is looking at Oikawa," Makki grumbles. "He's in love, in love with our man," Makki whines. 

"He's gonna fall for Hinata, and I know it," Iwaizumi mumbles. 

"I'll kill Hinata before Oikawa can," Mattsun says. 

"If they do date, who would top?" Makki asks. He quickly got hit by Mattsun and Iwaizumi, though. "Ow," Makki pouts. "It was a genuine question," Makki says. 

"Oikawa," Mattsun says. 

"What the hell," Iwaizumi says before glaring. 

"What," Mattsun says. 

The three stare at the two of them for a little while, glaring at Hinata the whole time. The three soon stop when they see Hinata's eyes light up away from Oikawa. "KAGEYAMA!!" Hinata yells and runs over to Kageyama. He jumps into Kageyama's arms and the three sigh in relief. 

"Thank god," Makki says. "He will have someone else's dick up his ass," Makki smiles. 

"Tsuki!! Yama!!" Hinata yelled, soon running over to Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. 

"Guess it's three," Mattsun smirks. 

"Shut up," Iwaizumi groans. When the three look back at Oikawa, they see he's gone. "The hell," Iwaizumi says. 

"You gotta be kidding me," They hear from behind him. The three turn around quickly and see Oikawa. "You can't let me hang with my friends without being jealous, can you," Oikawa groans. 

"No, we were just making sure you were safe," Makki smiles. 

"Yep, sure," Oikawa says before walking off. "Hinata, my three lovely boyfriends have decided to stalk us to make sure we don't have sex, I need to go deal with them, so I will see you next time," Oikawa says before putting the coffee cup in the trash. 

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