Kagehina, Daisuga, and Iwaoi.... again

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Ok so basically I had to have Kenma and Hinata friends, so I had to make Kuroo and Kageyama friends, so I also had to make Bokuto and Kageyama friends cause we can't have that pair without each other, and Akaashi is with Bokuto so yeah.

Tsukishima and Yamaguchi obviously are friends with Kageyama and Hinata, so is Yachi. 

Since they had friends I had to make Tanaka, Ennoshita, Asahi, and Noya friends with Daichi and Suga cause they need friends.


that is all.


The last few months have been very interesting. Oikawa and Suga were going crazy with planning the wedding, Hinata kept getting nervous as the days go by, and well Kageyama, Daichi, and Iwaizumi were chill. Kageyama barely got nervous, he was just excited. The night before the wedding everyone was fine. Hinata wasn't nervous and Suga and Oikawa relaxed knowing it will go well.

"Kageyama," Hinata yawns as he sits up in his bed. He looks over and pouts when he doesn't see his soon to be husband. He soon realized what today was and he shot up from his bed. "Finally," Hinata cheers. He grabs his phone and walks out of the room. The wedding was just gonna be in Oikawa's and Iwaizumi's backyard since they had the biggest one. Hinata walks downstairs while stretching his arms.

"Finally," Suga smiles at his son.

"What, I need sleep ok," Hinata smiles and sits down on the couch. "Where's Oikawa?" Hinata asks.

"He went to go get some breakfast," Suga says. "Anyway, what friends did you invite to the wedding?" Suga asks.

"Oh um, Yachi, Yamaguchi, Tsukishima, Kenma, Akaashi, Bokuto, and Kuroo," Hinata smiles. "Asahi and Noya are coming right?" Hinata asks.

"Yep, and Ennoshita and Tanaka," Suga smiles.

"I'm back," Oikawa yells and walks into the house. "I brought donuts," Oikawa smiles. Hinata's eyes light up and he runs over to Oikawa who quickly walked to the kitchen. "Let me set them down at least," Oikawa chuckles setting them on the table. Hinata quickly grabbed a donut and he starts to eat it.

"How hungry are you?" Suga asks.

"Very," Hinata says.

Oikawa looks at Hinata and chuckles a little. "So we have five hours until we need to be at my house, Suga and I have to get your suit ready, put some makeup on you, and then do your hair," Oikawa says. "So we should start that in 3 and a half hours, I'll do your hair and makeup, and Suga will do the suit," Oikawa smiles.

"What do we need to do with my hair?" Hinata asks.

"We need to get rid of your bedhead, it's even fluffier now," Suga chuckles.

Hinata chuckles as well and picks up another donut. "My suits white right?" Hinata asks.

"Yeah," Suga says.

"Why didn't you wear a dress, It would have been cuter?" Oikawa asks as he grabs donut.

"I mean I would have, but you know what Kageyama would do if he saw me in one," Hinata says.

"Ok, anyway, when are your friends coming?" Oikawa asks quickly changing the subject so he doesn't need to know about his son's sex life.

Hinata was about to say something before there was a knock at the door. He stands up and runs to the door quickly opening it to find Yamaguchi and Yachi. "Hey guys," Hinata smiles.

Haikyu!!!. Oneshots. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つWhere stories live. Discover now