Hinata gets sad. (Kagehina)

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3rd year Hinata and Kageyama

Today was there 2 year anniversary. It was on a Saturday luckily so the two could be together all day. Hinata smiles as he puts on a good outfit. He glances at the time and smiles to himself. Kageyama should be coming over soon. He sits on his bed and waits. And waits. And waits. Hinata looks at the time and his eyes start to water. 2 hours ago Kageyama should have been over here. But he wasn't. Hinata wipes his eyes and he stands up. "Stupid Kageyama," He mumbles as he changed out of his clothes. Hinata soon got under his covers and grabbed his phone. He sighs and finally starts crying. Kageyama had forgotten. It broke Hinata's heart and made him so mad. "Shitty ass boyfriend," Hinata cries as he hugs himself. He cried for a while until he decided to call Kageyama. He knew Kageyama's parents weren't home and if something did come up he could have called. Hinata called Kageyama and waited. 

"Hey Hinata," Kageyama says. 

"Kageyama, why didn't you come over?" Hinata asks. 

"What?" Kageyama asks. 

"Why didn't you come over today, you said you would," Hinata says. 

"I didn't say I would come over, what are you talking about?" Kageyama asks. "Why would I come over, it's nothing special," Kageyama sighs. 

Hinata's eyes start to water and he grips his phone. "You asshole," Hinata cries and hangs up. He lays back on his bed and hugs himself. "Stupid good for nothing boyfriend," Hinata sighs and keeps crying. 


Kageyama was so confused when Hinata hung up. "What the hell," Kageyama mumbles. "Is it something special today," Kageyama mumbles. He looked through his calendar and he quickly sees it. His eyes widen and he stands up quickly. "Shit I thought our anniversary wasn't until next week," Kageyama says. "Shit shit shit," Kageyama yells. He looks through his closet and puts on the suit Hinata likes. He grabs his phone and runs out of his room. "Flowers and chocolate," Kageyama sighs. "I'm so stupid," He mumbles as he runs out of his house. 


Hinata had one of Kageyama's sweatshirts on and a pair of boxers. He laid on his bed and he cuddles his pillow. His mom and Natsu weren't gonna be here the whole weekend so he could be home alone and cry all he wanted. After 30 minutes he heard a knock. He groans to himself and walks to the door. He opens it and is met with Kageyama holding a little stuffed crow, flowers, and a box of chocolate. "Hey H-" Kageyama tried saying but Hinata slammed the door shut. "Hinata!!!" Kageyama yells. 

"G-Go away," Hinata yells. 

"Hinata please I'm sorry," Kageyama sighs. 

"I said go away," Hinata yells. 

"Come on, I'm sorry, I swear I thought it was next weekend," Kageyama says. Hinata slides down the door and sits on the ground. "Hinata, I promise I won't ever forget, please, it was a stupid mistake and you don't have to forgive me, you can ignore me the rest of your life if you want, well don't do that actually, I need you to forgive me," Kageyama sighs again. "Hinata, I love you a lot, and I hate that I forgot, but I will make up for it, I won't ever forget and if you open the door I will cuddle you until this weekend is over," Kageyama smiles. 

Hinata smiles a little. "What kinda chocolate is that?" Hinata asks. 

"Your favorite kind," Kageyama smiles. 

"You'll cuddle and watch whatever movies I want this whole weekend?" Hinata asks. 

"Yeah," Kageyama smiles. 

"You'll cook for me?" Hinata asks. 

"You know I can't cook," Kageyama chuckles. Hinata smiles and stands up. "But I don't know why you would need to cook since you have my cock to su-" Kageyama was interrupted by Hinata opening the door. 

"Shut up," Hinata mumbles. Kageyama smiles and hands Hinata the 3 things he has. Hinata smiles and walks into his house. Kageyama follows and shuts the door. Hinata set the stuff down and ran to Kageyama. He hugs him making Kageyama chuckle. "I still hate you," Hinata mumbles. 

"Says the person wearing my sweatshirt," Kageyama chuckles. Hinata glares at him but soon starts to laugh. 

"Grab the chocolate and to the couch," Hinata smiles. 

"Are you gonna make me carry you the whole weekend?" Kageyama asks. 

"Yep," Hinata giggles. Kageyama laughs and kisses Hinata's cheek. "You missed," Hinata whines. Kageyama rolls his eyes and he kisses Hinata's lips. 


Haikyu!!!. Oneshots. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つWhere stories live. Discover now