Kageyama is a doctor and a grump

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OK, so I got this request but turns out there's a story like it on AO3 so if it seems similar to one it's cause one was already made. 

"Should I visit Kageyama at work?" Hinata asks. 

"Hm, oh sure," Yachi smiles as she plays with Hinata's hair. "Isn't he a doctor though?" Yachi asks.

"Yeah," Hinata sighs. "Who cares, I'll make sure he isn't doing something important," Hinata smiles. Yachi chuckles and watches as Hinata stands up. "I'm gonna go," Hinata smiles. 

"Your gonna see him right now!!" Yachi yells. 

"Yep," Hinata smirks before putting his jacket on. "I'll see you later," Hinata yells before running out of Yachi's house. 


Kageyama groans as he finally sits down. "Long day?" Suga asks before sitting down next to Kageyama. 

"Very long," Kageyama says as he drinks his coffee. 

"Well at least you get this break," Suga smiles as he starts to eat his lunch. Soon enough Daichi and Iwaizumi sat down at the table. "Where's Oikawa?" Suga asks. 

"Finishing up a surgery," Iwaizumi says before eating. The four eat in silence but it was soon broken when an intern walks over to them. 

"D-Doctor Kageyama?" The intern asks. 

"What," Kageyama says with a glare. 

"U-Um O-Oikawa needs you," The intern says. Kageyama stands up and walks away quickly making anyone terrified when he walked past them. 

"I wonder if he's ever smiled," Daichi says. 

"I saw him smile once, he was texting someone," Iwaizumi says. 

"Lies, he's never gonna smile ever," Suga sighs as he keeps eating. Iwaizumi rolls his eyes and sips his coffee. 


Hinata walks into the hospital smiling. He walks to the front desk. "Hello, um is Doctor Kageyama here?" Hinata asks. 

"You want to talk to Kageyama?" The lady asks. 

"Yep," Hinata smiles. 

The lady looks at Hinata like he's crazy but sighs. "Who are you?" She asks. 

"I'm Kageyama's husband," Hinata smiles. Everyone around him stopped and looked at him. 

"Kageyama has a husband," Someone says. 

Hinata rolls his eyes and huffs. "I knew he was being a grump at work," Hinata sighs. "Anyway, can I see him?" Hinata asks. 

"Um yeah, he should be at lunch right now, let me take you there," The lady says before quickly standing up. Hinata sighs and follows the lady knowing he's gonna have to scold Kageyama for being a grump. 


"You called me during my break so I could sew your patient up," Kageyama yells as he and Oikawa walk back to where there eating. 

"What, I needed to clean up, and you best at sewing people up," Oikawa smirks.

Kageyama groans and soon sits back down. "What did Oikawa need?" Suga asks. 

"Needed me to sew up his patient so he could go clean up," Kageyama groans. 

"That's it?" Daichi asks.

"Yep," Kageyama mumbles. 

Oikawa smiles as he sits down but was quickly hit by Iwaizumi. "Iwa-Chan!!!" Oikawa whines. 

"You really made Kageyama do your job?" Iwaizumi asks. 

"What," Oikawa whines. 

Kageyama rolls his eyes as the two start to argue. He glances around the room and notices a few people staring at him. He glares at them and of course, they were terrified and looked away. Kageyama leans back in his chair and watches as Oikawa was complaining about the surgery he just did. "Don't complain, at least you got to do a surgy," Suga mumbles. 

Oikawa pouts at Suga before stuffing his mouth with food. They start to talk and soon enough Suga and Oikawa noticed someone walk in.  "Who's the redhead," Oikawa asks. 

Everyone at the table looks over and Kageyama's eyes go wide. "Shoyo," Kageyama says before sitting up. 

Hinata looks over at Kageyama and he smiles wide. "Tobio," Hinata smiles and runs over to Kageyama. Kageyama stands up and smiles as Hinata jumps into his arm. Everyone stared at the two surprised. 

"What are you doing here?" Kageyama asks. 

"I wanted to see you," Hinata smiles before kissing Kageyama. Everyone was silent and their eyes were wide. Doctor Kageyama, the grumpiest and meanest man in the world was smiling, and kissing some random redhead. 

Kageyama pulls away from the kisses and sets Hinata down. "Um," Suga says. 

"Oh um, this is my husband, Hinata," Kageyama smiles. 

Oikawa's eyes go wide and he stares at Hinata. "The Hinata Shoyo? The Hinata Shoyo who hasn't killed anyone during any surgy?" Oikawa asks. 

"What," Daichi says. 

"That can't be possible, how many surgeries have you had?" Iwaizumi asks. 

"About 200," Hinata smiles. The whole table looks at Hinata like he crazy. 

"What," Suga says. 

Hinata chuckles a little and Kageyama smiles again. "He sure is amazing," Kageyama mumbles before grabbing Hinata's hand. Hinata giggles and looks up Kageyama. "Well, I'm gonna go sit with him," Kageyama says before picking up his food. The two walk over to an empty table and Kageyama starts to eat while Hinata starts talking. 

"He's married," Iwaizumi says. 

"He smiles," Daichi mumbles. 

"He's married to Hinata Shoyo, jeez," Oikawa pouts. "I thought he'd be more, taller," Oikawa sighs before getting hit by Iwaizumi. 

"They're adorable," Suga smiles. The rest chuckle at Suga before looking back at there food. 

"Guess who I talked to yesterday," Hinata smirks. 

"Who," Kageyama says. 

"Your boss," Hinata chuckles. "I'm transferring to this hospital," Hinata smiles. 

"You are," Kageyama says smiling wide. 

"Yep," Hinata smiles. "I start next week," Hinata says. Kageyama smiles and grabs Hinata's hand tight. He kisses Hinata's hand and chuckles. 

"I love you," Kageyama smiles. 

"I love you too," Hinata says. "Now why the hell is everyone scared of you, I told you not to be grumpy bakayama," Hinata yells. 

Kageyama groans and covers his face as Hinata starts to yell at him. 


The whole hospital was surprised when they heard Kageyama had a husband, they were also surprised when said husband starting working there. The fact that Kageyama smiled more cause of it was scary. Let's just say everyone had to get used to Kageyama being less grumpy. 


Haikyu!!!. Oneshots. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つWhere stories live. Discover now