Kagehina (Hinata doesn't play volleyball)

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Hinata Shoyo was never one to like sports, I mean he tried out for stuff in middle school, he just didn't like it. He wanted to like sports but never did. Hinata, though, ended up loving drawing. His last year of middle school, at like 3 am he was bored and started to doodle. Of course, he fell asleep right after, and when he woke up the next day he saw the art he made. He loved how it looked and the rest of the day he spent drawing. As his last year of middle school went by he started to join this art club. He, of course, was one of the best and his art was in many art shows. Hinata thought his art was ok, he wasn't really confident about it. Everyone would always praise him on his art and Hinata would thank them and try not to sound cocky.

One day Hinata was at a park just drawing random things when a volleyball hit his head. He dropped his sketchbook and held his head. "Ow, what the hell," Hinata whines.

"Oh crap, sorry," A kids Hinata's age said running over.

"Watch where you're throwing those things," Hinata grumbles and looks up at the dude. His face quickly filled with a blush though when he saw the guys face.

"Again, I'm really sorry," The kid says as he picks up Hinata's sketchbook.

"N-No it's fine," Hinata stutters.

The kid hands him the sketchbook but stops when he sees the artwork. "Wait wow, you're really good at this," The kid says.

"O-Oh um thanks," Hinata mumbles as he takes the sketchbook from the kids.

"I hope your head is fine, oh uh I'm Kageyama by the way," Kageyama says as he picks up his volleyball.

"I-I'm Hinata," Hinata stutters again and looks down.

Kageyama chuckles at him a little and sits down next to him. "I guess you like drawing?" Kageyama asks. Hinata nods and continues the thing he was drawing. "Well, I'll leave you to it then," Kageyama says. "I'll try to not hit you in the head again," Kageyama jokes and leaves Hinata.

Hinata watches as Kageyama leaves and he smiles wide. He had butterflies in his stomach and he quickly flipped to a new page in his sketchbook. He watches Kageyama and started to draw him out. About half an hour goes by and when Hinata looks back up to finish his drawing of Kageyama he sees he's gone. "Wow, that's really good," Someone says behind Hinata. Hinata jumped and he lets a small scream out. He turns around and his eyes meet Kageyama's.

"O-Oh u-u-uh," Hinata stutters making Kageyama laugh. Kageyama sits back down next to Hinata and smiles.

"You can finish your drawing," Kageyama smiles and of course Hinata went back to it.

"Done," Hinata mumbles as he added finishing touches. Kageyama looks at the drawing and smiles to himself.

"Wow, your good," Kageyama compliments.

"T-Thanks," Hinata smiles.

That's how the two's friendship started. They hung out more at the park, and sometimes at Kageyama's house. Hinata brought a better side out of Kageyama and slowly Kageyama was becoming a nicer person to his team. Hinata did go to a few games of Kageyama's but most of the time he'd just draw. As their relationship grew the two admitted to liking each other more than friends, and they started dating.

When highschool came the two went to Karasuno together. Kageyama of course joining the volleyball team, and Hinata joining art clubs.


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