Day 4: Kuroken (Ice-Skating)

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"Kuroo, I'm not going ice skating," Kenma says as he plays his game. 

"Come on, your probally, so good at it," Kuroo whines and lays next to Kenma. 

"No," Kenma mumbles. "We're not going," Kenma says and pauses his game. 

"Kenma please," Kuroo whines. "I won't stop asking until your give in," Kuroo says. 

"Please, please, please, please, please, please" Kuroo asks over and over. 

"FINE" Kenma yells and puts his game down.


When the two got to the skating rinc, they got there ice skates and quickly put them on. Kuroo knew Kenma wasn't gonna be good, so that's really why he wanted to come here, so Kenma would be all touching and attached to him. 

"Let's get this over with," Kenma says and grabs Kuroo's hand quickly. 

The two skated out and of course Kuroo was right, Kenma sucked. He kepts his hands on Kuroo's arm and held on tight mumbling to himself don't fall. Kuroo did his best to stay up and to keep Kenma up too. 

"You'll be fine I promise," Kuroo says and looks at Kenma. 

"No I won't hold me," Kenma mumbles quickly. Kuroo rolls his eyes and he stopped for a second. He picked up Kenma and skated slowly. 

Kenma was shaking and mumbling to Kuroo. "Let's go please, I'm cold and scared."

"Alright fine," Kuroo sighs and gets off the ice. At the door to get out Kuroo set Kenma backed and they both quickly walked somewhere to sit down. The two took off there shoes and gave them back. 


"That was no fun," Kuroo pouts. 

"Yeah no, we're never coming back," Kenma says. 


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