Trans Bokuto (BokuAka)

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"MOM!!! WHERE MY BINDER!!!" Bokuto yells.

"Oh uh, should be in your room," She yells back. Bokuto nods and quickly searches through his room.

"It's not here," Bokuto whines.

"You can go a day without a binder, you need to get to school," She yells. Bokuto sighs and looks around one more time. He groans and soon walks into his bathroom. He looks at the bandages and soon wraps them around his breasts. After he's done he gets ready and walks out the door.


Bokuto sighs as he gets to the club room. "Hey, guys," Bokuto smiles.

"Hey Bokuto," People say.

Akaashi smiles and looks at Bokuto. "Hey," Akaashi smiles. He glances down at Bokuto's breasts and sighs a little. "You better not have used bandages," Akaashi says.

"What no," Bokuto chuckles. He waits for the team to leave quickly changing hoping Akaashi doesn't see.

"Bokuto-San," Akaashi sighs stopping Bokuto as he changes. "You shouldn't do that," Akaashi grumbles.

"I didn't have my binder Akaashi," Bokuto pouts.

"You could have hidden it instead of doing this," Akaashi sighs. "I also have something for you though," Akaashi smiles. He grabs something from his bag and handed it to Bokuto.

"M-My binder," Bokuto smiles.

"You left it at my place," Akaashi smiles.

"I love you, you're the best boyfriend ever," Bokuto smiles and hugs Akaashi. Akaashi smiles and hugs back.

"Let me take this off of you," Akaashi smiles and takes the bandages off. When they were off Bokuto put his binder on and soon put his jersey on.

"HEY!!! Hurry up," One of there teammates yell as they open the door.

"We just finished, calm down," Bokuto chuckles. Akaashi nods and him and Bokuto walk out to the gym.


Haikyu!!!. Oneshots. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つWhere stories live. Discover now