Oikawa doesn't sleep for a while. MattsunHanaIwaOi

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Oikawa yawns as he eats some chips. He hasn't slept in like 9 days, and he knows if his boyfriends found out, they would probably murder him. Oikawa yawns again and soon puts the chips away. "You should just sleep," Oikawa mumbles. He walks towards the bedroom, but soon his body stopped himself. "But you could watch a couple more movies about aliens," Oikawa smirks before walking to the couch. 


Iwaizumi comes home to find Mattsun and Makki at the door. "Hey guys," Iwaizumi asks as Makki opens the door. 

"Hey," Mattsun smiles before walking in. He walks towards the living room and finds Oikawa watching a movie. "What are you watching?" Mattsun asks before sitting next to Oikawa. 

"An alien movie," Oikawa smiles. 

Makki groans but soon falls on the couch. "Again?" Makki asks. 

"Yep," Oikawa smiles, his eyes still on the tv. 

"Nope, nope, turn it, no more alien movies," Iwaizumi says before stealing the remote. 

"Iwa!!!" Oikawa whines. 

"You got the tv all day," Iwaizumi says. Oikawa pouts and soon stands up. His head rushes a little, and he holds it swaying a little. 

"You ok?" Mattsun asks. 

"Yep," Oikawa mumbles and walks off to the kitchen. 

"He's not ok," Makki says. 

"I can tell," Iwaizumi says. "Maybe it's just a headache," Iwaizumi sighs. 

"Hopefully," Makki says. The three sit there for about 10 minutes before they heard a loud bang from the kitchen. 

"Oikawa!!" Makki asks. "What was that," Makki says. 

The three don't hear a response. Mattsun stands up and walks into the kitchen to find Oikawa on the floor. "Shit," Mattsun says and quickly runs to Oikawa. He picks Oikawa up and turns around to find Makki and Iwaizumi staring at him. 

"Damn'it, he's sick," Makki sighs. Mattsun checks Oikawa's head and shakes his head. 

"His heads not hot," Mattsun says. 

"Let's go lay him down; maybe it's nothing," Iwaizumi says. The three nod and soon walk to the bedroom, Mattsun still carrying Oikawa. 

They get to the bedroom and lay Oikawa down. "If he's not up in a couple of hours were taking him to a hospital," Makki says. 

The other two nod and sits down around Oikawa. "He has pretty big eye bags," Iwaizumi mumbles. 

"Yeah," Mattsun says, thinking for a second. "You think he passed out cause of not sleeping?" Mattsun asks. 

"Maybe," Makki mumbles. 


When Oikawa woke up it was the next day. He sat up and looked out the window groaning at the sunlight. He looks over at the clock and pouts at how it's 10 in the moring. "Ew," Oikawa mumbles and cuddles into to whoever his next to him. 

"Finally your up," Makki smiles. "How do you feel?" Makki asks. 

"Sleepy," Oikawa yawns. 

"Oikawa you passed out yesterday," Iwaizumi says. 

"I did?" Oikawa asks while rubbing his eyes. 

"We think we know what it is but we wanna know what you think it is first," Mattsun says. 

Oikawa bites his lip as he thinks. "Um, it could be my the fact I haven't slept in like nine days before that," Oikawa mumbles quickly looking down. 

His boyfriends look at him and sigh. "Well at least he didn't lie," Mattsun says. 

"We didn't even know if that was it," Makki says. 

Iwaizumi kisses Oikawa's cheek and sighs. "Were not gonna yell at you," Iwaizumi says. "What we are gonna do if force you to go back to sleep," Iwaizumi smiles. 

"I will take that," Oikawa says before laying down. "Cuddle me," Oikawa smiles. 

"I dibs cuddling one side," Makki says. 

"Me too," Iwaizumi says making Mattsun glare. 

Oikawa giggles a little before moving to lay on Mattsun's chest. "You guys go make Mattsun breakfast, he will cuddle me till I fall back asleep," Oikawa says. 

"But," Makki says. 

"We called dibs," Iwaizumi sighs. 

"Shush, dibs don't work on me," Oikawa yawns. 

"Haha," Mattsun smirks before Makki and Iwaizumi leave. "I love you so much," Mattsun says. 

"Because I did this you can't yell at me ever again," Oikawa yawns. 

"I'll try, now sleep," Mattsun smiles. Oikawa nods and soon closed his eyes. 


Oikawa woke up again when it was dinner. He got out of bed and walks downstairs quickly hugging which ever boyfriend he saw first. "Your up," Makki smiles. 

"Mh," Oikawa mumbles. 

"Baby why didn't you sleep for nine days?" Makki asks. 

"I wasn't tired," Oikawa pouts. "I'm sorry," Oikawa mumbles. 

"Just don't do it again," Makki smiles and picks Oikawa up. Oikawa holds tight onto Makki and Makki walks to the couch. 

"Pizza," Oikawa says before kissing Makki's neck. 

"Your gonna have to convince the others," Makki smiles. 

Oikawa nods and leaves a hickey on Makki's neck. "Iwa!!" Oikawa whines trying his best to make it sound like a moan. 

"What are you doing?" Makki asks. 

"Iwa-Chan gets turned on when I moan," Oikawa smiles. 

"Then just moan," Makki says. 

"If I moan he'll know what I'm doing," Oikawa mumbles. "Iwa!!" Oikawa whines again. 

Iwaizumi this time runs in quickly and find Oikawa. "What," Iwaizumi says. 

"Cuddle me," Oikawa smiles. Iwaizumi pouts a little but sits on the couch. Oikawa moves to Iwaizumi lap and quickly attacks Iwaizumi's neck. "Can we get pizza," Oikawa asks. 

Iwaizumi groans a little and nods. "Sure," Iwaizumi smiles. Oikawa quickly pulled away and stood up. 

"Ok," Oikawa smiles and leaves the two. "Mattsun, were getting pizza," Oikawa smiles. 

"Why?" Mattsun says. 

"Because I let you cuddle me," Oikawa smiles. 

Mattsun looks at Oikawa before sighing. "Fine," Mattsun says. 


This one was a calm version of Oikawa not sleeping. 

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