Lots of ships. But mostly Kagehina (weird porn stuff)

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Hinata Shoyo had a side job. Other than being on a professional volleyball team Hinata was a cam boy. He kept his lives private though. His fans were loyal and wouldn't post any of the lives. He was thankful for that. Kageyama was the only person to know that Hinata was doing this. He was Hinata's boyfriend of course, and would sometimes help Hinata. Hinata's fans loved it and wished they could save the videos but they didn't. Hinata would repeat to them, well beg to his viewers to not post any of it anywhere, all respected it, but well except one time. Hinata forgot all about it while Kageyama was fucking him. He didn't say anything and thankfully the person who had saved the video had just posted it to his private account. The only people following were people he trusted not to spread videos. Thank god no one did though, his career in volleyball would be over. 


Everyone from high school had gotten older, and they wanted to meet up. They all thought it would be funny to have a training camp as they did in high school, so they did. Daichi had set it up and they all were just gonna chill for a week and play volleyball. Everyone was excited very excited. A lot of people were gonna be there which would be fun. 


Tanaka sighs at the end of the first week and Tanaka was horny, Nishinoya too. Asahi and Ennoshita ignored them not wanting to do it with them while they were at a training camp. Tanaka and Nishinoya though ran off to jerk off. Tanaka ran to a bathroom and put his headphones in as he picked a video, he followed some dude who posted videos of private lives. He knew not to spread them knowing that it could ruin some people. He sighs to himself as the video starts. He started to jerk off but stopped when he realized something. 

"HOLY SHIT!!!" Tanaka yells and stands up. He runs out of the bathroom and goes looking for Noya. "NOYA!!!" Tanaka yells. He ran into a random room and ran to Nishinoya when he saw him. "NOYA!!!" Tanaka yells again. 

"WHAT!!!" Nishinoya yells groaning as he put his pants back on. 

"I-I, just watch," Tanaka says and shoves the phone in his face. Nishinoya sighed and started to watch it. He bit it lip at it but he soon realized something as well. 

"HOLY SHIT!!! THAT'S HINATA AND KAGEYAMA!!!" Noya yells. "HOLY FUCK!!!!" Noya says. 

"I KNOW!!! WHAT DO WE DO!!! I CAN'T LEAVE IT ALONE!!!" Tanaka yells. 


"What the hell are you yelling about!!!" The two heard at the door and saw Suga and Daichi. 

"U-Uh, w-well," The two stuttered. 

"Jesus are you guys watching porn," Suga groans. 

"Oh lord," Daichi sighs. 

"W-We are, but look at this," Tanaka says. 

"God no we're not watching porn," Suga says and walks off. Daichi watches as Suga walks away and soon shuts the door. 

"Give it, I can't watch it on my phone," Daichi sighs. 

"YOU'RE NOT JERKING OFF!!!" Noya yells. "WATCH THE VIDEO!!!" Noya yells again. 

Daichi groans and takes the phone. He watches it soon it hits him. "T-That's Hinata and Kageyama!!" Daichi says. 

"WE KNOW!!!" Tanaka and Noya yell. 

"What the hell do we do?" Daichi asks. "We can't ignore it," Daichi says. 

"I know," Tanaka whines. 

Haikyu!!!. Oneshots. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つWhere stories live. Discover now