IwaOi and DaiSuga catch KageHina

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There are three different things here. One is KageHina having phone sex, nudes of Kagehina, and KageHina watching porn. The parents catch the kids doing this stuff, so yeah. 



Suga smiles as he walks towards Hinata's room. He opens the door, and his eyes go wide at what he sees. Hinata, wearing a pair of lace underwear and pointing his phone in a mirror, taking a picture of himself. "H-Hinata," Suga says. 

"Dad," Hinata yells, quickly pulling a blanket over him. Suga shut the door quickly, his eyes still wide. Suga set down the bin of clothes and walked away. "Shit shit shit," Hinata says as he calls Kageyama's number. 

"Hey, what up?" Kageyama asks. 

"My dad just caught me taking a nude," Hinata says as he changes into clothes. 

"What, wait, you were taking nudes?" Kageyama asks. 

"Yes, I was ok; I was gonna send them to you," Hinata pouts. 

"Did you get any?" Kageyama asks. 

"Of course I did," Hinata smirks. "But that doesn't matter; my dad may tell your dad," Hinata sighs. 

"Fuck," Kageyama groans. "My dad will not let me live this down," Kageyama whines. 

"Let me go talk to him," Hinata smiles. "I'll send you them later; love you," Hinata smirks. 

"Fuck, yes," Kageyama cheers. "Love you too," Kageyama chuckles. 

Hinata hangs up and soon walks downstairs to find his dad sitting on the couch. "Um, dad," Hinata mumbles before sitting next to him. 

"Who are you sending those to?" Suga asks. 

"Kageyama," Hinata mumbles. "C-Can you not tell anyone about it, though, if dad finds out I'm dead," Hinata says. 

Suga sighs and looks at Hinata. "I won't," Suga smiles. "Make sure they don't get into the wrong hands," Suga smiles. 

"They won't," Hinata smiles. 

"Good," Suga smiles. 

Hinata nods and runs upstairs into his room. He calls Kageyama again and locks his door this time. "What happened?" Kageyama asks. 

"He's not gonna tell anyone," Hinata smiles. 

"Good," Kageyama says. Hinata smirks before he sends the photos to Kageyama. "Shit," Kageyama groans. "Are those new?" Kageyama asks. 

"Maybe," Hinata smirks. 

"My parents aren't home; wanna come over?" Kageyama asks. 

"Already getting ready," Hinata smirks. "I'll wearing new panties as well," Hinata chuckles. 

"YES!!!" Kageyama cheers. 


A couple of days go by, and Kageyama wanted to repay Hinata the favor. He lays on his bed and takes his cock out. He smirks to himself before pulling his phone up and going to take a couple of photos. 

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