Day 9: Kuroken (Snowy day)

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"Kenma, we're going outside, come on," Kuroo says and picks Kenma up. 

Kenma groans and he fights a little for Kuroo will drop him. "Let me go," Kenma whines. 

"Nope, we've been inside for too long and it's snowing, come on put your jacket on," Kuroo says and sets Kenma down. 

Kenma shakes his head and crosses his arms. "No," Kenma pouts. 

Kuroo rolls his eyes and sighs. He grabs Kenma's jacket and he forces him into it. "Stop acting like a brat," Kuroo sighs. When Kuroo finally got Kenma in the jacket Kuroo put Kenma on his shoulder. "I wanna at least be outside with you for 15 minutes," Kuroo sighs. "And get some fresh air," Kuroo says. 

"No, put me down now," Kenma whines and hits Kuroo's back. 

"Come on, it will be fun," Kuroo sighs and walks outside. 

"No, I wanna go back inside," Kenma groans. 

Kuroo throws Kenma into the snow and chuckles a little. "Your mean," Kenma whines and stands up. 

"No, I'm not, I'm just trying to make sure you don't die from being inside too much," Kuroo smiles. 

"That can't happen," Kenma says and looks at Kuroo with a glare. 

Kuroo rolls his eyes and smiles. "It could," Kuroo smirks. 

Kenma just groans and he tries walking back into the house but Kuroo grabs his arm and pulls him back. "Nope, just a few more minutes then we can go back," Kuroo says and he holds Kenma close. 

Kenma pouts and he looks up at Kuroo. Kuroo smiles and he kisses Kenma. Kenma smiles and he kisses back. Kuroo soon pulled away and he watches Kenma. "I love you," Kuroo smiles. 

"I love you too," Kenma smiles and slowly slipped away. Kuroo smiles and he watches Kenma. "Well bye," Kenma says and quickly runs into the house. 

"KENMA GET BACK OUT HERE!!!" Kuroo yells and chases after Kenma. 


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