BLahhh// All Karasuno ships

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The Karasuno team was at Daichi's house, well most of them, they all decided to have a bonding sleepover thing, it's going pretty well, they all ate a lot of Daichi's food, which Daichi was not happy about. Well, that's all that happened, now all of them were in Daichi's living room watching a horror movie, which a few people were not happy about. This was how everyone was sitting right now, and how they felt.

Daichi and Suga were on the long seat both cuddled up to each other, Suga would sometimes jump at the jump scares but he wasn't that scared. Noya and Tanaka were right on the ground in front of the screen watching the movie closely. Still, soon enough, Asahi got frightened, and he and Noya ended up on the couch with Asahi hiding his face on the sofa, sometimes if he could, into Noya. Tanaka and Ennoshita, we're on the ground now, both watching the movie with them both holding each other hand. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi were on the ground in front of the couch. Tsuki watched the movie some but soon ended up getting bored, so he started to whisper to Yamaguchi, trying to help Yamaguchi not be scared. Now Kageyama and Hinata were on the couch, Hinata was on Kageyama's lap facing him, he had his face in Kageyama's shoulder and was shaking a little. Hinata thought he would have been okay with the movie, but no, he was not, not even a quarter of the way through the movie Hinata was already scared and was clinging to Kageyama. Kageyama wasn't afraid of the film; he didn't care anymore; he just ended up trying to get his boyfriends to stop shaking.

When the movie ended, every scared person sighed in relief, Hinata was still shaking while mumbling. "What if the scary monster gets me."

Kageyama groans softly and rubs Hinata's back. "A scary monster is not gonna get you, I wouldn't let that happen," Kageyama whispers into Hinata's ear.

Kageyama quickly looks over at the team. "Who the hell picked the movie?" Kageyama asked.

Everyone looked over and quickly saw a scared Hinata. "Oh yeah, I forgot Hinata got scared easily, sorry," Tanaka chuckles nervously, Ennoshita punched Tanaka in the shoulder and sighed.

"Idiot, you gotta remember," He said.

"You could have said something if you knew," Tanaka shot back.

Ennoshita quickly realized, and he looks back over at a pissed Kageyama. "Why are you mad at us, you could have said something about the movie," Ennoshita groaned.

"I wasn't paying attention ok, I don't like watching movies," Kageyama mumbles.

Everyone sighed, and they looked back at Hinata, he finally stopped shaking, and his breathing went back to normal. "He'll be fine, maybe," Kageyama says.

But soon enough, Hinata smiled and moved to face the team. "I'm fine now," Hinata chuckles.

The whole team was in shock. "What, wait, you were just shaking scared, how the hell did you just get happy?" Noya asks.

"Oh uh, remember when Asahi said to think of the scariest thing, and you'd think this isn't so bad, yeah, so I just used that after I got over the fact the scary monsters in the movie weren't real," Hinata chuckles with a bright smile.

"What's scarier than this movie?" Daichi asks.

"Kageyama," Hinata shives at the thought. Everyone laughed a little well apart from Kageyama.


Everyone ended up going to Daichi's room and talking, most conversations we're either to there partners or someone just next to them; after a while, Suga got curious. "Who do you think has done it here yet?" Suga whispers to Daichi.

Haikyu!!!. Oneshots. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つWhere stories live. Discover now