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Oikawa groans as he flops on the couch. All his boyfriends were gone, and he was bored. He sighs and turns the tv on to a random channel. "Stupid tv not having good shows," Oikawa groans. He covers his face and looks down at his alien boxers. If any of his boyfriends found them, he would be made fun of for the rest of his life. He shoves his face into a pillow pouting. 

"Oikawa!!!" Someone yells as they walk into the house. Oikawa's face goes red and he quickly shoots up. "Oikawa," They say again. Oikawa looks down at his boxers and soon sprints up the stairs. He quickly takes the boxers off and throws them somewhere in the room. He puts pants on and walks downstairs to Iwaizumi.  

"Iwa-Chan!!!" Oikawa yells and jumps into his arms. 

Iwaizumi smiles and hugs him back. "I see you missed me," Iwaizumi chuckles. 

"I did, I was all lonely by myself," Oikawa pouts. Iwaizumi rolls his eyes and sits on the couch with Oikawa on his lap. 

"Your making dinner tonight right?" Iwaizumi asks as he runs his hands through Oikawa's hair. Oikawa nods and he wraps his arms around Iwaizumi's neck. "You want a kiss?" Iwaizumi asks. 

"Yeah," Oikawa smiles. Iwaizumi smiles and he kisses Oikawa. Oikawa kisses back of course and things get heated of course. Iwaizumi's hands end up on Oikawa's ass and Oikawa has his hands in Iwaizumi's hair. 

"We're home!!!" They both here. Oikawa smiles and pulls away quickly. 

"Living room!!!" Oikawa yells back. Iwaizumi smiles and kisses Oikawa's neck. 

"Wow, couldn't wait for us," Makki jokes. Oikawa rolls his eyes and lets a small groan out as Iwaizumi bit his neck. 

"Oikawa, dinner," Mattsun whines. 

"Can't you see we're doing something?" Oikawa says. He moans again as Iwaizumi left a few marks. 

"We can wait," Iwaizumi smirks. Oikawa pouts and soon gets off Iwaizumi's lap. 

Oikawa grumbles as he walks off towards the kitchen. "I'm gonna go change," Mattsun smiles. Mattsun walks upstairs and Makki quickly moves onto Iwaizumi's lap. 

"I can replace Oikawa," Makki smirks. Iwaizumi rolls his eyes and kisses Makki. Makki kissed back and the two were making out. Well until they felt something throw at them. "What the hell," Makki whines as he pulls away. The two quickly see what was thrown and both break into laughter. 

"Who's is that?" Iwaizumi laughs. 

"Oikawa's I'm guessing," Mattsun smirks. Makki still laughing held up the alien boxers and he smirks. 

"Should we ask him now?" Makki asks. 

"No, go put them back upstairs, I wanna see if he'll put them back on," Iwaizumi smirks. Makki nods and runs upstairs soon setting the boxer on the bed. Makki runs back downstairs and sits next to his boyfriends. 


Oikawa smiles as he finishes making dinner. "Guys, I'm done," Oikawa smiles as he starts to put the katsudon in bowls. 

His three boyfriends run in and Oikawa hands them there bowls. "Living room or dining room?" Makki asks. 

"Living room," Oikawa says as he runs to the living room. Oikawa lands on the couch and smiles. His three boyfriends walk towards the couch and they all sit next to each other as Oikawa turns an alien show on. 

The four start eating and Oikawa soon finished. "I'll be right back," Oikawa smiles. He runs upstairs and grabs his phone. He soon glances at his boxers. They wouldn't find out. Oikawa smirks and puts the boxers back on, he puts the pants back on and soon runs downstairs. 

"What'd you need?" Iwaizumi asks. 

"My phone," Oikawa smiles and sits back down on the couch. He cuddles up to Iwaizumi and starts to go through Instagram. 

"Can I change it?" Makki asks. Oikawa just nods and Makki quickly changes it to some random movie. 


By the time the movie was over Oikawa had moved onto Mattsun's lap. "Go clean the dishes," Mattsun says to Oikawa. Oikawa pouts and soon stands up. He walks off into the kitchen and soon Makki stood up. 

"I'm gonna go check if his boxers are still in the room," Makki smiles. He walks upstairs and soon into there room. He looks around a little and soon walked downstairs with a smirk. "They're not there," Makki smirks. 

"You think he's wearing them, he could have hidden them from us," Iwaizumi says. 

"There is a chance, let's just wait until bed," Mattsun smiles. 


After the dishes were done Oikawa was tired. He walked straight upstairs and took his pants off. He flopped on the bed and closed his eyes. 

"Jesus he just did the dishes, how is he so tired," Mattsun mumbles. 

"No idea," Iwaizumi says and stands up. 

"We should go to bed too guys," Makki smirks. The other two nod and the three of them walk upstairs and into there room. They some light coming from Oikawa's boxers and Makki broke out into laughter. "There glow in the dark," Makki laughs. This woke Oikawa right up. He sat up quickly and covered himself. 

"Alien boxers Oikawa, how am I not surprised," Iwaizumi smirks. Mattsun started laughing with Oikawa and Oikawa quickly had a pout. He covered himself with the blanket and closed his eyes. 

His boyfriends rolled there eyes and got ready for bed. When they got into bed Iwaizumi expected Oikawa to cuddle with him, but Oikawa kept his back to them. "Oikawa, come on we were kidding," Iwaizumi smiles. 

"Shut up, I'm sleeping," Oikawa mumbles. Iwaizumi rolled his eyes and quickly pulled Oikawa close. "Hey let me go," Oikawa pouts. 

"Cuddle with me," Iwaizumi says. Oikawa pouts a little and soon looks down at Makki and Mattsun. The two smiled at him and Oikawa sighs. 

"The boxers are cute," Makki smiles. 

"But they're really funny," Mattsun adds. Oikawa chuckled a little and nods. 

"Maybe they are," Oikawa mumbles. He soon cuddled with Iwaizumi and all of them fell asleep. 

OH BOY. OH BOY. WE DONE. BokuAkaKuroKen will be the last poly ship this week. So that will be out soon. 


You guys are getting your Kagehina spanking next week. 

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