Daisuga and Kagehina and Iwaoi(Family Au AGAIN)

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"Kageyama," Oikawa and Iwaizumi heard Hinata moan. 

"Oh lord," Oikawa laughs. 

"Should we go stop them?" Iwaizumi asks. 

"No, don't cock block them," Oikawa smirks. They heard more moans and soon enough they stepped outside. "Did they just forget we were here?" Oikawa laughs again. 

"I don't know," Iwaizumi rolls his eyes and looks at Oikawa. 

"WAIT!!! I have to call Suga," Oikawa smirks. 

Oikawa pulled his phone out and quickly called Suga. "Hey Oikawa," Suga says. 

"Your sons the bottom," Oikawa sang. 

"What?" Suga asks. 

"You owe me 10 dollars," Oikawa smirks. 

It took Suga a minute but he soon groaned. "Damn you Hinata," Suga mumbles. "Alright, I'll give you it soon," Suga sighs. 

"Ok, bye then," Oikawa smiles and hangs up. 

"You bet on who the bottom was?" Iwaizumi laughs. 

"Yep, now we have 10 more dollars," Oikawa smiles. "Thank you, Kageyama," Oikawa smiles. 

"It's just 10 dollars," Iwaizumi chuckles. 


"That was good," Hinata pants as the two finished. "You sure your parents aren't here?" Hinata asks. 

"Yeah, you heard the door shut," Kageyama says. Hinata nods and stands up to stretch. 

"I'm thirsty," Hinata smiles. He puts on his boxers and one of Kageyama's sweatshirts. Kageyama gets up as well and puts on PJ pants and a shirt. 

"Put pants on," Kageyama says. 

"But I don't wanna," Hinata whines. Kageyama sighs and walks into his closet. 

"Here," Kageyama says and throws Hinata a pair of shorts. 

"Thank god," Hinata smiles and puts them on. The two-run downstairs and into the kitchen. 

"You want food?" Kageyama asks. 

"Yeah," Hinata smiles. He grabs a cup and fills it with water. He drinks the water and jumps as he hears footsteps. 

"So, you boys have fun?" Oikawa asks. 

Kageyama and Hinata look over at Iwaizumi and Oikawa and are still. "Y-You guys didn't leave?" Kageyama stutters. 

"Nope," Iwaizumi smirks. The two nod and Hinata looks at his boyfriend. 

"Well, will go back to Kageyama's room then," Hinata mumbles and drags Kageyama off to his room with a red face. Oikawa and Iwaizumi laugh as the boys walk off. 

"Guess there not gonna be loud for a while," Oikawa laughs. Iwaizumi nods and stops laughing a little. 

"Wanna do it with them in the house, since they clearly didn't care we were here?" Iwaizumi asks. 

"HELL YEAH!!!!" Oikawa smirks. 


When Hinata went home he, of course, got yelled at by his dad for making him lose 10 dollars. Hinata was a blushing mess and stayed in his room the whole day. 

With Kageyama at dinner, he didn't say anything, Oikawa smirked at his son and did praise him once for getting him 10 dollars. Iwaizumi tried his best to not talk about it. But it failed. 

OH LORD, ANOTHER ONE. This one was a shorter story so sorry. BUT I GOT THREE OUT TONIGHT. 

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