Oikawa cuts himself.

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Mentions of cutting. 

Oikawa sighs as he sits on the couch. His boyfriends have been gone for almost a week, and he's not doing good. He started to cut himself again; he wishes it didn't happen, but his boyfriends weren't here, and he didn't want to call them. Oikawa looks at the cuts and sighs. "They're gonna be mad," Oikawa mumbles. "Damnit," Oikawa says before tears come to his eyes. He pulls his legs to his chest and cries to himself. "They're gonna be so mad," Oikawa sobs before laying down and crying into a couch pillow. As he cried for about an hour, he soon fell asleep. 


"I really hope he was fine while we were gone," Mattsun says before getting out of the car. 

"He would have called us if he did anything too bad," Iwaizumi smiles. 

"He's been good; I don't think he would try to do anything to kill himself," Makki says before opening the front door. 

The three walk-in and Oikawa quickly ran to them. "I missed you guys," Oikawa says before jumping into Mattsun's arms. 

"We missed you too," Mattsun chuckles before kissing Oikawa's head. 

Iwaizumi and Makki walk upstairs to put their things away while Mattsun goes to the living room and sets Oikawa down. "What did you do while we were gone?" Mattsun asks. 

"I watched a lot of alien shows," Oikawa smiles. 

"Of course," Mattsun chuckles. Soon Makki and Iwaizumi came back downstairs, and they sat on the couch. 

"You didn't do anything bad while we were gone, right?" Makki asks. 

Oikawa bit his lip softly and played with his sleeves. "Um," Oikawa mumbles. His boyfriends already knew, and they sighed. 

"Really," Iwaizumi says.

Mattsun grabbed Oikawa's arm, not caring when Oikawa winced. He pulled the sleeve up, and the three groaned. "Really?" Makki asks. "We leave you for a week, and you do this, my god Oikawa we shouldn't have to watch you every second of every day," Makki groans. 

"I-I'm sorry," Oikawa cries. 

"Don't give us that shit; if you were, you wouldn't have done it," Iwaizumi yells before standing up. 

"God, Oikawa know we gotta get rid of everything sharp again," Mattsun sighs. 

"I'm surprised," Makki says before glaring at Oikawa. 

"Yeah, no me neither, god sometimes I'd wish you'd just cut yourself and die," Iwaizumi mumbles. 

Tears streamed down Oikawa's face, and he moved away from his boyfriends. "Were not helping you this time," Mattsun says before the three leave Oikawa. 

OOOOOP sad hours. 

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