Iwaoi (Oikawa's knee hurts)

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"Ow," Oikawa mumbles as he holds his knee. "Ow ow," Oikawa cries quietly trying not to wake up his boyfriend. He sits up and wipes his eyes. "Shit, I need ice," Oikawa mumbles trying to stand up. But his knee gave out and he fell to the ground. "Fuck," Oikawa cries. 

"Oikawa?" Iwaizumi groans. Oikawa jumped a little at that and looks over at Iwaizumi. "Why are you on the floor," Iwaizumi whispers rubbing his eyes. "Wait, are you crying?" Iwaizumi quickly sat up getting worried. He moved closer to Oikawa and looks down at him. "It's your knee," Iwaizumi mumbles and sighs. 

"N-No," Oikawa whines. 

Iwaizumi looked at him with the look that said? "Let's get you ice," Iwaizumi mumbles. He stands up and picks Oikawa up. He carried him baby style and walks out of the room. 

Oikawa wrapped his arms around Iwaizumi's neck and groans. "It hurts Iwa-chan," Oikawa cries hiding his face. 

"You'll be ok," Iwaizumi smiles and walks into the kitchen. He sets Oikawa on the counter and gets ice. He walks back to Oikawa and puts the ice carefully on Oikawa's knee. 

Oikawa looks down at his knee biting his lip. "I-I hate my knee," Oikawa mumbles. 

Iwaizumi laughs softly and kisses Oikawa's cheek. "The pain will be gone, I promise," Iwaizumi smiles moving closer to Oikawa. Minutes go by without the two saying anything. Until Iwaizumi finally broke the silence. "Is it feeling better?" He asks. Oikawa nods and keeps his head down. "You sure?" Iwaizumi asks. 

"Yeah, I mean could we keep the ice on it while I sleep?" Oikawa mumbles. 

"Yeah," Iwaizumi smiles. "I'll get a new ice pack and find something to hold the ice with," Iwaizumi says as he walks towards the fridge. 

"I-I have a headband upstairs," Oikawa stutters. 

"What?" Iwaizumi asks. 

"Y-You know like hair bands, and it's l-like that but bigger," Oikawa mumbles. "I use it t-to get the hair out of my face when I'm doing my makeup," Oikawa says. 

"Ok, we can use that," Iwaizumi smiles walking back to Oikawa. He picks him up and walks up to the stairs. Oikawa, of course, hid his face in Iwaizumi's shoulder and hid his blush. "Oikawa, I can tell when your blushing, you don't have to hide it," Iwaizumi snickers. 

"I-It's still embarrassing," Oikawa whines as he keeps his face hidden. 

Iwaizumi rolls his eyes and gets to Oikawa's room. He lays him on the bed and looks around the room for the headband. "Where is it?" Iwaizumi asks. 

"In the bathroom," Oikawa says as he holds the ice to his knee. 

Iwaizumi nods and walks off. Soon enough he came back with the headband and sits on the bed. He wraps it around Oikawa's knee and soon lays back on the bed. He cuddles Oikawa close and Oikawa snuggles smiling wide. "You should have woke me up first thing when your knee was hurting," Iwaizumi sighs. 

"I know," Oikawa mumbles. "B-But thanks for helping me," Oikawa smiles. He looks up at Iwaizumi and Iwaizumi kisses him. 

"No problem," Iwaizumi yawns. "Now sleep," Iwaizumi smiles. 

Oikawa nods and the two fell asleep. 


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