Day 1: Kagehina (Snowball Fight, Cuddles, Hot Chocolate)

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"HINATA WHERE ARE YOU HIDING!!" Kageyama yells when he feels another snowball hit his back. Hinata just simply giggled and threw another. "HINATA I SWEAR!!" Kageyama screamed as he tried to find the redhead.

"He'll never find me," Hinata mumbles to himself as he glances back over to Kageyama. "Shit where'd he go," Hinata says scaredly.

"Behind you," Kageyama smirked making Hinata jump.

"A-Ah K-Kageyama, come on, you know it was a game," Hinata says as he slowly starts to back away. Kageyama didn't respond, he simply just walked towards Hinata. When Hinata was corned he quickly covered his face. "K-Kageyama, please don't kill me ok, it was apart of the game," Hinata whined.

Kageyama smirked and he picked up some snow. He quickly threw at Hinata and Hinata yelped. "Now we're fair," Kageyama smirked and looked at Hinata. Hinata bit his lip and he slowly picked up from snow when Kageyama looked away.

"No, we're not," Hinata yelled and he threw the snowball at Kageyama and ran away.

Kageyama quickly turned around and chased after Hinata. "GET BACK HERE!!" Kageyama yelled.

Hinata giggles and he looks back at Kageyama. "You'll never get me," Hinata laughs, well he laughed until he hit a tree. Hinata fell back on the ground and he held his head in his hands. "Ow ow ow," Hinata mumbles and he rubs his head.

Kageyama looked at his boyfriend and he quickly ran over to him. "Are you okay?" Kageyama asks and he gets down on the ground next to Hinata.

"Yeah I'm fine," Hinata chuckles and he rubs his head again. "It's like getting hit in the face with a volleyball," Hinata laughs.

"Alright good, I'm happy you're fine," Kageyama smirked and picked up some snow.

"What's with that weird smirk?" Hinata asks but his eyes widen. Kageyama quickly put the snow he had in his hands down the back of Hinata's shirt. Hinata yelped and he quickly looked over at Hinata. Kageyama just smirked and quickly tried to get more snow in the front of his shirt. "S-Shit Kageyama," Hinata whined and quickly tried to get the snow out. "My shirts wet now," Hinata yells and he glares at Kageyama. "You asshole," Hinata pouts and he stands up. Hinata shivered slightly as the snow melted and got his shirt wet fast.

Kageyama looked at Hinata and he chuckles. "Let's go inside," Kageyama says and grabs Hinata's hand.

"No, your a jerk and I'm not going anywhere with you," Hinata hisses and he pulls his hand away from Kageyama.

Kageyama rolls his eyes and he looks at pouty Hinata. "Come on, your gonna get cold, ok I'm sorry I got your shirt wet," Kageyama sighed. Hinata just looked away and he crossed his arms. "What if I let you wear my shirt, and we can make hot chocolate," Kageyama smiles and he grabs Hinata's arm. Hinata keeps his pout but he giggled softly.

"Alright, fine, but we get to cuddle too," Hinata smiles and he giggles

Kageyama smiles and he nods. "Whatever will make you happy," Kageyama smiles. 


When the two got into the house Hinata went upstairs and into Kageyama's room to change, while Kageyama went into the kitchen to make hot chocolate. 

"What shirt should I pick," Hinata mumbles and he looks around Kageyama's closet. He smirked softly as he found a shirt that said setters soul on it. Hinata quickly changed and was only in the shirt and boxers. 

Kageyama smiled softly as he makes the hot chocolate, he hums a small tune and when he finished making them he walked out to the living room and set the cups on the table. "Hinata, you almost done?" Kageyama yelled. 

"Yeah, I'll be down in a sec," Hinata yelled back as he quickly fixed the shirt quickly.

Kageyama sits on the couch and he grabs a blanket. He turned the tv on and turned on home alone. 

Hinata ran down the stairs and he smiles at Kageyama. "Are you good at making hot chocolate?" Hinata asks and he runs to the couch.

Kageyama looks at Hinata and his face quickly filled with a blush. "I-I'm okay at it," Kageyama mumbles and picks his cup up. 

Hinata nods and he sits next to Kageyama. He pulls the blanket over him and snuggled up into Kageyama's side. "Grab my cup please," Hinata smiles. Kageyama hands Hinata his cup and soon wrapped his arm around him. 

"Your cold," Kageyama chuckles.

"Yeah, I wonder why?" Hinata mumbles and glares at Kageyama. 

Kageyama laughed and he kisses Hinata's head. "I love you," Kageyama mumbles making Hinata's face go red. 

"I-I love you too," Hinata smiles and kisses Kageyama's check. Hinata sipped his hot chocolate and his eyes lit up. "Holy hell this is great," Hinata smiles. 

Kageyama chuckles and sips it as well. "I know," Kageyama smiles. "Everyone loves my hot chocolate," Kageyama chuckles. 

"Who is everyone?" Hinata asks with a hint of jealousy

"My mom and dad, why?" Kageyama asks with a smirk. 

"Just wondering," Hinata says and looks at the tv. 

"Who else did you think has tasted it?" Kageyama smirked. 

"No one, cause you have no other friends," Hinata mumbles. Kageyama just rolled his eyes and laughed. 

"You were jealous weren't you?" Kageyama asked. 

"No," Hinata pouts and drinks his hot chocolate. 

"Yes, you were don't lie to me," Kageyama chuckles.

"Fine, maybe I was," Hinata mumbles and he looks at Kageyama. Kageyama laughs and he kisses Hinata's head again. 

"Kiss me on the lips," Hinata whines. Kageyama chuckles and he slowly kisses Hinata on the lips. 


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