Hinata in a skirt.......... part 2

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Natsu groans as she stands up from the couch. She walks towards the door and opens it her face lighting up. "ASAHI!!!" Natsu screamed and jumped into his arms.

"H-hey," Asahi smiles and holds Natsu. Daichi and Suga smile as Natsu hugs Asahi's head.

"Natsu, Where's Hinata?" Kageyama asks.

"In his room," Natsu says.

Kageyama nods and walks off quickly and up to Hinata's room. "Hinata?" Kageyama asks as he walks in and sees Hinata changing.

"K-Kageyama," Hinata yelps. Kageyama smirks a little and soon sits on Hinata's bed. Hinata quickly changed and looks at his boyfriend. "Is everyone else here?" Hinata asks as he sits on Kageyama's lap.

"Yeah, there downstairs with Natsu," Kageyama says.

"Well Natsu and everyone will be occupied," Hinata smirks as he kisses Kageyama. Kageyama chuckles and kisses back wrapping his arms around Hinata's waist. Hinata bites Kageyama's lip as he wraps his arms around Kageyama's neck. Kageyama lets a small moan out as he moves his hands to Hinata's ass and squeezes softly. Hinata smiles and pulls away slowly.

"Ni-Chan," Natsu says as she opens the door. She looks at the two of them and Hinata scrambles off of Kageyama. "When am I going to my friends?" Natsu asks.

"U-uh, 30 minutes, her mom should be here soon," Hinata stutters as he grabs his phone.

"Ok," Natsu smiles and runs off.

"Let's go downstairs," Kageyama mumbles and stands up.

"Y-Yep," Hinata stutters again and grabs Kageyama's hand. They both walk downstairs and see most of the team in the living room. "Hey guys," Hinata smiles.

"Hey," Some of them say while others wave. Kageyama sits down and pulls Hinata on his lap. Kageyama wraps his arms around Hinata and Hinata leans back on Kageyama.

"Natsu, do you have anything embarrassing Hinata did when he was younger?" Tanaka asks. Hinata rolls his eyes and watches his little sister.

"No, not really," Natsu says while she walks over to Tsukishima. Hinata smirks and looks at Kageyama. "OH!!! Wait," Natsu smiles. Hinata quickly looks over at his sister his eyes going wide. "I heard my mom joking with Kageyama one time about Hinata wetting the bed," Natsu smiles. Everyone looks over at Hinata and Hinata groans.

"What, I was a kid, didn't everyone at least wet the bed once or twice," Hinata says.

"Oh, so wetting the bed until you were 10 is once or twice?" Kageyama asks with a smirk.

"K-KAGEYAMA!!" Hinata yells his face going red.

"What," Tanaka laughs. Noya and Tanaka break out into laughter while Tsukishima and Yamaguchi hold there laughs back. Daichi, Suga, and Asahi let a small chuckle out while Ennoshita tries to control Noya and Tanaka.

"Are you serious?" Noya laughs. Hinata doesn't say anything he just hides his face in Kageyama's shoulder.

"That's what his mom said at least," Kageyama smiles as he hugs Hinata. Noya and Tanaka keep laughing while Asahi looks at Noya.

"Ok well at least he was a kid when he wet the bed," Asahi says. Noya shut up quickly and looks at his boyfriend.

"S-Shut up," Noya says. Tanaka looks at Noya and soon broke out into laughter. Ennoshita watches Tanaka and rolls his eyes.

"At least they were unconscious Tanaka," Ennoshita smirks making Tanaka shut up again. Everyone looks at Noya and Tanaka and chuckle a little.

Hinata pulls his phone out and soon stands up. "Natsu your friends here," Hinata smiles. Natsu pouts and hugs Tsukishima tighter.

Haikyu!!!. Oneshots. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つWhere stories live. Discover now