Day 5: BokuAka (Wrapping Presents)

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"Bokuto, come on, it's not that hard," Akaashi groans as he wraps his presents easily. 

"Shut up, It's hard damn'it," Bokuto whines with tape on his face. 

Akaashi stares at his boyfriend and laughs softly. "Okay, maybe get the tape off first," Akaashi says and starts to help Bokuto.

Bokuto laughs and he watches Akaashi. "I love you," Bokuto smiles. 

Akaashi's face fills with a blush and he looks away. "I-I love you too," Akaashi mumbles. 

Bokuto laughs again and he pulls Akaashi close. He kisses him and Akaashi, of course, kisses back. "Your adorable when you blush," Bokuto smiles. 

"N-No I'm not," Akaashi whines.

"Yes you are, you can't deny it," Bokuto chuckles. Akaashi face fills with a little more blush and he looks away.  "Now let's finish wrapping the presents," Bokuto chuckles. 

"Let me just do it," Akaashi chuckles which made Bokuto pout. 

"Aw come on I wanna help," Bokuto whines. 

"Fine, you can hold the tape," Akaashi laughs. 

"AKAASHI!!!!" Bokuto whines. 


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