Kagehina, Daisuga, Iwaoi Family Au (again)

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"Hinata," Suga says as he walks into the Hinata's room.

"Yeah dad," Hinata coughs a little.

"Someone came over to see how your doing," Suga smiles.

Hinata looked confused but when he saw Kageyama he smiles. "Kageyama," Hinata smiles.

Kageyama waves as he walks over to Hinata. Suga smiles and walks out of Hinata's room. He walks downstairs and sits on one of the kitchen stools.

"Suga you want coffee?" Daichi asks.

"Yeah," Suga smiles.

"How's Hinata doing?" Iwaizumi asks.

"Oh he's fine, he stopped throwing up so he should be a lot better by tomorrow," Suga says.

"I hope so, Kageyama has been depressed since he can't see him," Oikawa chuckles.

"It's only been two days," Suga laughs.

"Oh don't act like Hinata hasn't been sad two," Daichi says as he sets Suga's coffee cup down. "He started crying yesterday cause he couldn't see him," Daichi chuckles.

"Kageyama almost cried a few times," Iwaizumi smiles.

"Wait until we go on summer vacation," Daichi mumbles.

Suga laughs a little and nods. "Jeez the boys wouldn't see each other for a week or two," Suga sighs.


Kageyama walks over to Hinata and Hinata scoots over. Kageyama sits next to Hinata and hands him the card he had behind his back. "What's this?" Hinata asks as he opens it. Inside it said get well soon so we can hang out. Hinata giggles at it but quickly started to cough. "Thank you Kageyama-Kun," Hinata says once he stopped coughing.

"No problem," Kageyama smiles. Hinata sets the card on the side of the bed and he turns to face Kageyama.

"Tomorrow we can play all day long, dad says I'll be so much better by tomorrow," Hinata smiles.

Kageyama nods and Hinata lays his head on Kageyama's shoulder. "You called yesterday and said you felt like you were gonna die, do you still feel like that?" Kageyama asks as he holds Hinata's hand.

"Nope, my dad says I was overreacting," Hinata giggles.

"That's good, I don't know what I would do if you died," Kageyama says.

"You'd survive, you'd probably thrive at volleyball though," Hinata mumbles.

"Yeah, I would," Kageyama chuckles.

Hinata smiles and looks at there intertwined hands. "Your better warmer than the bunny I've been hugging for the past two days," Hinata smiles.

"What bunny?" Kageyama asks.

Hinata lets go of Kageyama's hand and reaches to the floor to grab the bunny that fell from the bed. When he had it he laid his head back on Kageyama's shoulder. "This one," Hinata giggles. "He's a lot nicer though," Hinata giggles.

"What!!! I'm so nice," Kageyama whines.

"Not all the time," Hinata giggles. Kageyama glares at Hinata and Hinata glares back. Kageyama soon enough picked up the bunny and through it at a wall. "SEE!!" Hinata whines.

"You're so mean to my stuff animals," Hinata whines.

"Am not," Kageyama says.

"Are too," Hinata whines.

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