Daisuga Smut

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"Daichi, I want it rough tonight ok," Suga mumbles as he pulls away from the kiss. 

"You sure?" Daichi asks. 

"Yep," Suga smirks as he takes his shirt off. Daichi chuckles and follows after Suga. The two were kissing again and soon enough Daichi threw Suga on the bed. Suga laughs at this and Daichi gets on the bed as well. Suga quickly kisses Daichi while Daichi starts to unbutton Suga's pants. Suga kissed down to Daichi's neck and smirks when Daichi groaned. He bit and sucked on his neck leaving a few hickeys. Daichi moaned softly and closed his eyes. 

"God, you're great at this," Daichi groans. 

"I know," Suga smirks. "Let's get your shirt off," Suga smiles and helps Daichi get his shirt off. Suga threw the shirt on the ground and gets his own pants off. Daichi followed and he threw the pants on the floor next to Suga's. 

"My turn," Daichi smirks as he bites onto Suga's neck. Suga stifled a moan and closed his eyes. Daichi knew the best spots to bite and suck, well since the two boys have been together for a while. Suga moans louder as Daichi bit harder. Daichi moved down from Suga's necks and smirks at Suga's nipples. He starts to rub them with his thumbs and Suga moaned loudly at that. Daichi smirks and he kisses softly around the nipple before he licks it. 

"S-Shit!!" Suga moans loudly. Daichi smirks and continues to lick one nipple while his hand plays with the other one. "D-Daichi," Suga moans. 

"Yeah," Daichi smirks as he looks up at his boyfriend. 

"F-Fuck m-me now," Suga moans from Daichi still rubbing his one nipple. 

Daichi smirks and he moves a little to grab the lube from the bedside table. "You sure you still want it rough?" Daichi asks. 

"Yeah," Suga smiles. Daichi nods and lubes up his fingers. Suga had already got his boxers off and they were on the floor next to Daichi's shirt. Daichi smirks and kisses Suga again. Suga kisses back but soon moaned loudly as Daichi pushed his fingers into Suga's asshole. "Oh lord," Suga moans as Daichi kissed Suga's neck. He sucked harder this time and started to scissor Suga's ass. Suga moaned loudly and closed his eyes tight. He bit his lip hard and gripped onto the bedsheets. 

"You ready?" Daichi asks. 

"Oh hell yeah," Suga smiles. 

"Good," Daichi smirks. He lubes up his cock and helps Suga lift his legs up. He lays Suga's legs on his shoulders and grips onto Suga's thighs. He slowly enters Suga and Suga moaned softly. Daichi smirks and didn't start slow. He started going fast and made sure to keep a tight grip on Suga's thighs. 

"D-Daichi," Suga gasps. He moans louder and his grip on the bedsheet tightens. Daichi smirks at his boyfriend and keeps thrusting fast. He leans down to kiss Suga's nipples and softly bites one of them. "FUCK!!!" Suga moans. Daichi smirks at this and thrusted faster and faster. 

"Your so hot baby," Daichi smiles. "I love your body," Daichi smirks. When Daichi's cock hit Suga's prostate Suga moaned loudly. 

"Shit shit, faster," Suga moans. Daichi nodded and moved away from Suga's chest. He thrusts as fast as he could and soon felt like he was gonna cum. "I-I'm gonna cum," Suga moans. 

"Same," Daichi mumbles and keeps thrusting hard. Suga and Daichi moaned loudly and Suga's breath picked up. Suga gasped as he cummed and Daichi kept thrusting. Daich's breath picked up and soon he cummed into Suga. He sighs and pulls out both breathing heavily. 

"Wasn't really rough," Suga teases. 

"Oh shut up," Daichi rolls his eyes and stands up. He walks off to the bathroom and came back with a wet washcloth. "At least I tried," Daichi says and cleans off Suga's chest. 

"You did as best as you could," Suga smiles. Daichi sets the washcloth on the floor and soon got in bed. He cuddles up to Suga and Suga hugs him. "I love you," Suga smiles. 

"I love you too," Daichi chuckles. 

I TRIED OK. I tried. 

By the way, I have like so many fricken drafts and I can't anymore. I'm gonna try and update more but I don't know, I'll try. I have a bunch of random one-shots and I'm gonna try and get another family au one out as fast as I can. I can write another one-shot of Hinata in a skirt if you guys want. And the corona fic I'm gonna try and write, don't know when that will come out. 

I wanna write a one-shot for MatsuHanaIwaoi by the way, so if anyone has any ideas for them please comment. 


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