Kagehina (Coming out)

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Hinata bites his lip and walks towards his dad. He was gonna finally tell him. After months he was gonna say something. He hopes his dad excepts him, but just in case he had a bag near the front door with a bunch of stuff. "D-Dad?" Hinata asks.

"Yeah?" Hinata's dad asks. 

"C-Can I tell you something?" Hinata asks. 

"Yeah sure," Hinata's dad smiles. 

Hinata sighs and looks down at his hands. "I like boys," Hinata mumbles. 

"What?" His dad asks. "What did you say?" He asks.

"I-I like boys, a-and I have a boyfriend," Hinata says louder. It was silent. 

"You're a faggot?" His dad asks. Hinata just nods. The next thing that happened wasn't what Hinata expected. Hinata's dad hit him. "Get. Out." He says. 

"D-Dad," Hinata stutters. 

"Get out of the fucking house," Hinata's dad says again. 

"B-But," Hinata mumbles getting hit again. 

"I said get the fuck out!!!! I don't want a gay son!!!" Hinata's dad yells. Hinata feels tears coming to his eyes and he starts to move. But he didn't move fast enough. He got hit by his dad again, but a lot harder. Hinata held his kick tears finally coming down his face. "Get the fuck out!!!" Hinata's dad yells. 

Hinata ran to the door quickly. He grabbed his bag and started to run away from his house. Hinata ran and ran until he was far enough. He soon broke. He fell to the ground and started to sob into his hands. "F-Fuck, I-I'm stupid," Hinata cries. He sobbed for a while, thank god no one came by. Finally, he grabbed his phone. He dialed his boyfriend's number starting to walk towards Kageyama's house. Tears were still coming out of his face and he held his sobs back. Soon enough Kageyama answered. 

"Hinata?" Kageyama asks. 

"K-Kageyama," Hinata stutters. 

"Are you ok?" Kageyama asks already really worried. 

"C-Can I come over?" Hinata asks. 

"Yeah," Kageyama says. "Want to stay on the call until you get here?" He asks. 

"No," Hinata mumbles and hangs up. He keeps walking for a little and when he saw Kageyama standing outside he started crying harder. He ran to Kageyama and jumped into his arms. He sobs in Kageyama's shoulder as Kageyama walks into his house. When they got into Kageyama's room Kageyama sat on his bed. 

"What wrong?" Kageyama asks. 

"I-I came out to my dad," Hinata cries. Kageyama rubs Hinata's back and sighs. 

"Your dad's stupid, you should be happy you don't have to deal with him," Kageyama mutters. Hinata shook his head and looked at Kageyama. 

"N-No I'm stupid, I-I shouldn't have said anything," Hinata cries. 

"Hey, no your not," Kageyama says while grabbing Hinata's shoulders. "Your dad is stupid, he should have accepted you but he didn't cause he's a piece of shit," Kageyama smiles while wiping a tear on Hinata's cheek. Hinata smiles a little and Kageyama kisses his cheek "What about your mom?" Kageyama asks. 

"Wasn't there," Hinata mumbles. 

"Well, I hope she leaves your dad," Kageyama smiles. Hinata chuckles a little and wipes his eyes again. 

"How do you always manage to make me happy?" Hinata asks. 

"I have a way with my words," Kageyama smiles. "Or maybe my face makes you happier," Kageyama smirks. "Or you know in an hour you'll be fucked by my fat co- SHUT UP," Kageyama tried to say but got interrupted by Hinata. Hinata had a light blush on his face and Kageyama smiled. His smile went away though when he saw a bruise. "I'm gonna kill him," Kageyama mumbles. 

"W-What?" Hinata asks. 

"He hit you, I'm gonna murder him," Kageyama says. 

"T-There's a bruise?" Hinata asks starting to panic. Kageyama smiles at his boyfriend and soon leans back with Hinata on his chest. 

"They'll be more when me and my fat co- I swear to god Kageyama," Kageyama says but got interrupted once again. "What?" Kageyama asks. 

Hinata rolls his eyes and hugs Kageyama. "Cuddle me for now, then we can talk about your tiny dick later," Hinata smirks. 

"EXCUSE ME!!!" Kageyama yells. Hinata just laughs and ignored how Kageyama goes on to talk about his dick. 

ANOTHER ONE. I'm thinking of doing trans next so comment what characters you want to be trans. 

Haikyu!!!. Oneshots. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つWhere stories live. Discover now