Bokuaka (blind date)

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"Akaashi please," Oikawa whines. 

"Oikawa-San no, I'm not going on a blind date," Akaashi sighs and looks up at Oikawa. 

"Please, come on, I will do anything you want, I'll leave you alone for a whole day," Oikawa whines again. 

"Oikawa-San, no," Akaashi mumbles and goes back to reading. 

"Akaashi," Oikawa whines. "Please, please, please, please, please," Oikawa kept asking and Akaashi soon groaned. 

"FINE," Akaashi groans and puts his book down. "Fine, but you have to leave me alone for two days," Akaashi smiles. 

Oikawa looks at him and sighs. "Fine, I'll just annoy my boyfriend," Oikawa smiles. "I'll help you get ready tonight," Oikawa smiles. "I'll be back soon," Oikawa yells as he leaves. 


"Bokuto, you wanna go on a date with one of Oikawa's friends?" Iwaizumi asks. 

"Sure, why not," Bokuto smiles. 

"Cool," Iwaizumi mumbles. 

A few minutes later Oikawa burst into the room. "Iwa-Chan, he agreed," Oikawa smiles. "Oh hi Bokuto," Oikawa smiles. 

"He did, how long did it take?" Iwaizumi asks. 

"5 minutes, a bunch of pleases, and I can't see him for 2 days," Oikawa says as he sits next to Iwaizumi. "So guess what, we get to spend 2 days together," Oikawa smiles. Iwaizumi's eyes widen and he groans. "IWA-CHAN!!!!!" Oikawa whines. "I'm your boyfriend, you should hang out with me more," Oikawa pouts. Iwaizumi rolls his eyes and he moves Oikawa to his lap. Oikawa pouts more and he looks away. 

"Oikawa," Iwaizumi says. "Oikawa," Iwaizumi says again. Iwaizumi groans and he forces Oikawa to look at him. 

"What," Oikawa mumbles. 

"I love you," Iwaizumi smiles. Oikawa's eyes light up and he giggles. 

"I love you too," Oikawa smiles and he kisses Iwaizumi. The kiss started to get heated and the two laid on the bed. 

"Guys," Bokuto says clearly uncomfortable. The two jump and look over at Bokuto. 

"O-Oh s-sorry," Oikawa stutters a blush on his face. Iwaizumi chuckles and he sits up Oikawa quickly getting off. 

"So uh, who am I going on a date with?" Bokuto asks. 

"His name is- NO!!!" Oikawa interrupts Iwaizumi. "It's a blind date for a reason," Oikawa smiles. "Don't you dare tell him anything about Akaashi," Oikawa glares at Iwaizumi. Iwaizumi gave him the dumbest look ever and Oikawa quickly realized what he said. "Shit," Oikawa whines. 


Oikawa left soon and ran back to Akaashi's dorm. "Akaashi, I'm here to help you," Oikawa smiles. 

Akaashi looks up at Oikawa and puts his book down. "Alright," Akaashi sighs. 

"Can I put makeup on you?" Oikawa asks. 

"What makeup would we use?" Akaashi asks. 

"Just the makeup I got you on your birthday," Oikawa smiles and looks over at the unopened makeup in the same bag he gave Akaashi. "It won't be much, just foundation, and a few other things," Oikawa smiles. Akaashi rolls his eyes and he sits on his bed. Oikawa smiles as he opens Akaashi's drawers. "Okay, not too nice, but not too sloppy," Oikawa mumbles. Oikawa smiles when he picks out a pair of jeans and a light blue long sleeve shirt. "Perfect," Oikawa smiles and hands it to Akaashi. 

Akaashi looks at it and back at Oikawa. Oikawa had already moved to open the makeup so Akaashi changed quickly. He soon sat back down next to Oikawa. "What now?" Akaashi asks. 

"Look at me," Oikawa smiles. He starts to put the foundation on Akaashi and Akaashi quickly closed his eyes. Oikawa smiles and he finished up the foundation. "I need you to open your eyes, don't blink please," Oikawa says. Akaashi opens his eyes and when Oikawa brought a black stick to his face his eyes widen. "Squint," Oikawa mumbles. Akaashi nods and he squints a little. Oikawa put the eyeliner on and when he finished he smiled. "Holy hell, you look great," Oikawa smiles. 

Akaashi stands up and he walks to a mirror he had. He looks in and smiles a little. "Kinda," Akaashi mumbles. 

"Alright, to the restaurant," Oikawa smiles and grabs Akaashi's hand. 


When the two got to the restaurant they saw Bokuto and Iwaizumi. "Hi guys," Oikawa smiles. 

"Hey," Iwaizumi smiles. Akaashi looks up at Bokuto and his blushes. The two stare at each other and Oikawa rubs his arm. 

"H-Hi," Bokuto smiles. 

"H-Hey," Akaashi smiles. 

"Well have fun you too," Oikawa smiles and runs off with Iwaizumi. 

Akaashi looks back up at Bokuto and he smiles. "We should go in," Akaashi smiles. Bokuto nods and the two walk into the restaurant. They get a seat and the two sit there awkwardly. 

"I'm Bokuto," Bokuto says breaking the silence. 

"Akaashi," Akaashi smiles and looks back at Bokuto. 

"So, tell me about yourself," Bokuto smiles. 

"Well, I guess, I like reading, I play volleyball, I'm a setter," Akaashi mumbles. 

"Oh I play volleyball too, I'm a winged spiker," Bokuto smiles. Akaashi nods and smiles. "Maybe we could you know, get together and play," Bokuto says. 

"Y-Yeah," Akaashi smiles. 

The date went on and the two hit it off. 


When the date finished the two stood outside the restaurant and stared at each other. "Thanks for paying," Akaashi smiles. 

"No problem," Bokuto smiles. "Did Oikawa do the eyeliner?" Bokuto asks. 

Akaashi's face goes red and he nods. "Y-Yeah," Akaashi mumbles. 

"It looks good," Bokuto smirks. 

Akaashi smiles a little his face going redder. "T-Thanks," Akaashi smiles. 

"Iwaizumi and Oikawa are probably having sex, so wanna walk for a little?" Bokuto asks. Akaashi nods and he smiles. They two start to walk and Akaashi glanced at Bokuto's hand. When Bokuto noticed he held Akaashi's hand. "You could have asked," Bokuto smiles. Akaashi nods and stands closer to Bokuto. The two stopped at a park and they sat on a bench. "You seem really cool, I'm glad Oikawa begged you," Bokuto smiles. 

"What?" Akaashi asks. 

"Oikawa said you would only go if you didn't bother him for 2 days," Bokuto smirks. 

Akaashi's face goes red and he looks at Bokuto. "O-Oh, I-I guess I'm happy I said that," Akaashi smiles. 

"Yeah," Bokuto smiles. The two stare at each other and then Bokuto leaned in and kissed Akaashi. Akaashi's eyes widen but he kisses back.  After the kiss, the two talked about random things. Mostly volleyball though. 


The two went on more dates, some being dinner, and some about volleyball. Oikawa said they dated cause of him, he wasn't wrong. 

I don't even know what this is. I made this while crying cause I remembered Bokuto has to leave Akaashi once school is done. I'm sad now. Well anyway. I have more stories coming out so yeah. 

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