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request from @yaoiandepression THIS ONE IS KINDA WEIRD BUT FUNNY AT THE SAME TIME. 

Oikawa and Iwaizumi, everyone would think Oikawa was the pervert in the relationship, but Iwaizumi was the real pervert. He would do anything, and I mean anything to see Oikawa's ass. 

"Iwa-Chan," Oikawa smiles as he walks into there room. Iwaizumi smirks to himself and grabs Oikawa's arm, he pulls him on top of him and hugs him. "Iwa-Chan must be cuddly today," Oikawa laughs. The moment Oikawa felt hands on his ass he rolled his eyes. "Of course," Oikawa pouts. "You just wanted to touch my ass," Oikawa sighs. 

"Of course, it's the only good thing about you," Iwaizumi teases quickly making Oikawa hit Iwaizumi's chest. 

"You jerk!!! Let me go!!!' Oikawa yells as he tries to get away from Iwaizumi. But Iwaizumi doesn't budge. He down and watches as Oikawa squirms. 

"You're the worst boyfriend ever!!! So mean Iwa-Chan!!!" Oikawa whines as he stops squirming. Iwaizumi chuckles softly and soon lets Oikawa go. Oikawa looks at his boyfriend and he glares. "Just for that, you can't touch me all day," Oikawa says and walks away. 

Iwaizumi just rolls his eyes. Oikawa always says that but never goes through with it. Iwaizumi stands up and he walks out of there bedroom. He walks into the kitchen and smirks as he sees Oikawa cooking. "What are you making?" Iwaizumi asks. 

"Eggs and bacon," Oikawa smiles. Iwaizumi nods and moves closer to Oikawa. "I'm mad at you, I will hit you with the frying pan if you touch me," Oikawa says not even looking at Iwaizumi. Iwaizumi groans and he leans on the counter. He smirks softly and walks next to Oikawa. He grabs an egg and looks at Oikawa. "What are you doing?" Oikawa asks. Iwaizumi doesn't respond, he just drops the egg on the floor and Oikawa glares at him. "You dick," Oikawa mumbles. He sighs and turns the stove off. "You're lucky I just finish or I wouldn't make you any," Oikawa grumbles and grabs a paper towel. Iwaizumi moves back and watches Oikawa. Oikawa got an idea and he smirks as he moves to stands in front of Iwaizumi. He turns his back to him and bends over to clean up the broken egg on the ground. Iwaizumi stares at Oikawa's ass and groans to himself. He fucking loved it. He was so close to touching it when Oikawa moved and threw away the paper towel. 

"You fucking tease," Iwaizumi glares. Oikawa just laughs and he puts the bacon and eggs on two plates. 

"Maybe if you can control yourself I'll let you touch," Oikawa says handing Iwaizumi both plates. 

"I'll try," Iwaizumi says. "Don't try and tease me, you know what happens in bed when you do that," Iwaizumi smirks making Oikawa's face go red. Iwaizumi laughs and he walks off to the living room. When Oikawa was able to walk he got the two of them coffee and walked to the living room as well. He sits next to Iwaizumi and sets the coffees on the coffee table. "Heres your plate," Iwaizumi smiles. 

"Thank you," Oikawa chuckles and takes it from Iwaizumi. The two then dig into the food. 


The two ended up cuddling after and of course, Oikawa ended up falling asleep. Iwaizumi is the fucking pervert he is, he took this opportunity to feel up Oikawa's ass. Oikawa wasn't a deep sleeper, so Iwaizumi needed to be careful before his sleeping boyfriend wakes up and yells at him. Iwaizumi moved his hands from Oikawa's back and laid them on Oikawa's ass. He squeezed a few times but made sure it wasn't hard. Iwaizumi smirks to himself and looks at Oikawa's sleeping face. He frowned at the drool that was going on his shirt and he sighs. Other than the drool Oikawa looked very, and I mean very hot while sleeping, not as hot when he's awake but still. After a few minutes, Iwaizumi felt sleepy himself, so he fell asleep in the matter of a minute. 


"IWA-CHAN YOU PERVERT!!!!!" Oikawa yells as he throws a pillow at Iwaizumi. That's what got Iwaizumi up and he looks over to see his boyfriend. "YOU CAN'T EVEN KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF ME WHILE SLEEPING!!!!" Oikawa yells with a pout. All Iwaizumi did was smirk and that ticked off Oikawa even more. "PERVERT!!!" Oikawa yells while throwing another Pillow at Iwaizumi. 

"Aw come on, you know you like it," Iwaizumi smirks. 

Oikawa shut up his face going slightly red. "N-No, w-well-" Oikawa just stopped talking and kept his head down. Iwaizumi laughs and he watches as Oikawa stands up and walks into the kitchen. Iwaizumi rolls his eyes and he follows his blushing boyfriend. 

"Oikawa, come on, admit it, you love it," Iwaizumi smiles as he leans forward on the counter. Oikawa ignored him and he looked through the fridge. Iwaizumi smirks and he walks behind Oikawa. He turns Oikawa around and pulls him close, of course, also having his hands on Oikawa's ass. "Say it, you love it when I touch your ass," Iwaizumi smirks as he squeezes making Oikawa jump a little and let out a small moan. 

"Fine, I like it when you touch my ass," Oikawa mumbles quietly. 

"What was that?" Iwaizumi asks. 

"I like it when you touch my ass," Oikawa mumbles again. 

"What?" Iwaizumi asks with a smirk. 

"I SAID I LIKE IT WHEN YOU TOUCH MY ASS!!!" Oikawa yells and quickly looks away. Iwaizumi smirks and he squeezes again. Oikawa bites his lip and he looks back at Iwaizumi. Oikawa wraps his arms around Iwaizumi's neck and smiles. "Since you know now, what are you gonna do?" Oikawa asks. Iwaizumi picked Oikawa up and he walks up to there room. 

"Fuck you obviously," Iwaizumi smirked. 

Okay, there's one

Also, I will try and update more, but some things are happening in my life, so I'll try. 

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