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Kageyama hates Christmas. He hates it with all his heart and hopes the holiday dies. He hates the Christmas music. Hates the decorations. He especially hates the people. There all cheery and always trying to talk to Kageyama. Sometimes he wishes he could stay home for the whole holiday. 

Kageyama sighs as he walks into a coffee shop. He wanted to try something new, and this coffee shop didn't look too Christmasy outside. But of course, the inside was decorated. Kageyama sighs and walks towards the counter. He looks at the menu and just decides on a black coffee. 

"Hello, what can I get you?" An employee asks. 

"Just a black coffee," Kageyama says. He looks down at the employee, and his eyes go wide. Holy fuck. This guy was probably the cutest person he's ever met. He was so small and adorable and sexy at the same time. His red fluffy hair and his cute face made Kageyama just stare. 

"That will be $3.73," The redhead says. Kageyama does nothing; he just stares, and the redhead looks at him weirdly. "Sir," He says. 

Kageyama snaps out of it quickly and nods. "Yep?" Kageyama asks. 

"That will be $3.73," The redhead says. Kageyama nods and soon hands the redhead the money. The cutey smiles and puts the money away. That's when Kageyama notices the redhead was wearing a headband with antlers, and Kageyama smiled at how cute it was. "I'll get your drink," The red smiles and turns away. That's when Kageyama noticed the deer tail he was wearing, and Kageyama smiles. When the redhead came back, Kageyama had written his number down already and was ready to give it to him. "Here you go," The redhead says before setting the coffee down. 

"I'm Kageyama," Kageyama says before handing the paper to the redhead. 

"Hinata," Hinata smiles before taking the paper. "You know, if you come back here in like an hour, I'm done for the day; maybe we could walk around and eat somewhere," Hinata smirks.

"Yep," Kageyama smiles. "I will be back then," Kageyama smiles before taking his coffee. He waves, and Hinata waves back, of course. 

Hinata smiles and watches the black-haired sexy man walk away. "Holy shit," Hinata giggles. 


When Kageyama came back, Hinata was finishing up a drink. "Hey Suga, I'm done for the day," Hinata smiles as he hands the drink to the person. 

"Alright, Hinata, see yah," Suga waves. Hinata nods and takes his apron off. He walks out from behind the counter and grabs his jacket. 

"You ready?" Hinata asks. 

"Yep," Kageyama smiles. 

The two walk out of the coffee shop and start walking down the street. "Everything is so pretty; I love Christmas," Hinata smiles before shoving his hands in his pockets. 

Kageyama nods and looks around. He looks back at Hinata and sighs. "I'm not a big fan of Christmas," Kageyama says. 

"WHAT!!!" Hinata yells before he grabs Kageyama's arm and makes the two stop walking. "How can you not like Christmas?" Hinata asks. 

"I just don't," Kageyama shrugs. 

"Nope, nope, if you plan on dating me, you have to be a fan of Christmas," Hinata pouts. "Come on, I'm gonna make you love Christmas," Hinata says before grabbing Kageyama's hand and dragging the two into a store. 

Haikyu!!!. Oneshots. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つWhere stories live. Discover now