Daisuga, Kagehina, and Iwaoi family Au (ONCE AGAIN)

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Hinata stares at his parents his eyes watering. "I'm gonna miss you guys," Hinata says. 

"Were gonna miss you too, please call us when you get off the plane," Suga smiles. 

"Yeah, and make sure you stay safe," Daichi says. 

"I will I promise," Hinata smiles. The three hug and soon Hinata pulls away. The moment he looks over at he starts to cry. He hugs him tight and Kageyama hugs back. "I-I'm gonna miss you s-so much," Hinata cries. 

"I'll miss you too, but I'll be here when you come back," Kageyama smiles. "Please don't find someone else," Kageyama chuckles. 

Hinata laughs and he wipes his eyes. "I-I won't," Hinata smiles. They hug longer and Hinata soon pulls away. He looks over at Oikawa and Iwaizumi and smiles. "Bye guys, I'll miss you too," Hinata says. 

"Bye Hinata, we'll make sure Kageyama doesn't do anything stupid while your gone," Oikawa smiles. 

"Bye," Iwaizumi smiles. 

Hinata looks back at Kageyama and smiles. "I love you," Hinata smiles. 

"I love you too," Kageyama smiles as he kisses him. Hinata kisses back and soon pulls away. 

"Ok, well, I have to go now," Hinata sighs as he picks up his bag.

Hinata smiles and starts to walk off. He turns back around and waves. Everyone waves back and his parents were crying a little. Hinata turns back around and soon got on the plane. He sighs and gets to his seat. 


Those years, while Hinata was gone, was hard for everyone. Kageyama was sad, but he got on a pro volleyball team at least. Of course, soon getting on a bigger volleyball team. 

Suga and Daichi missed their son and were sad for a while. They wanted him back home, but they got through these few years. 

Iwaizumi and Oikawa missed his son a lot and missed the redhead that brightened up everything. They got through it easier though. 


The day Hinata was gonna come home, Hinata was so excited. He got off the plane and expected to see his boyfriend. But he didn't. He hugged his parents and hugged Iwaizumi and Oikawa, he asked about Kageyama. 

"He wanted to be here, but he couldn't," Oikawa sighs. Hinata nods and the five of them left the airport. 


Hinata had his first pro volleyball the day he came home, so they drove to eat, and then to where the volleyball game was gonna be. When he saw Bokuto and Atsumu he ran to them and hugged them. "Hey guys," Hinata smiles. 

"Hey hey hey, how was brazil?" Bokuto asks. 

"Yeah, do anything fun?" Atsumu asks. 

"Brazil was great, Kenma was there, so it was fun hanging out with him," Hinata smiles. 

"Hinata, we're gonna go sit down," Suga smiles. 

"Ok, bye," Hinata waves. 

"The game starts soon, let's get you changed into the uniform," Bokuto cheers and walks with Hinata and Atsumu. 


"I'll be back guys," Hinata says as he leaves the changing room. He skipped towards the bathroom and smiles. He couldn't wait to see Kageyama, but he had no idea where he was. 

"Your stomach gonna be ok?" Hinata quickly recognizes the voice and looks over at his boyfriend. 

"Kageyama," Hinata smiles. Kageyama opens his arms and Hinata runs to him. He jumps onto him and Kageyama catches him. "Why didn't you come to the airport you dick," Hinata cries. 

"I had to practice, I would of I promised, I just couldn't," Kageyama smiles. He wipes Hinata's cheeks and soon Hinata kisses him. They pull away and Kageyama sets Hinata down. Hinata hugged Kageyama and Kageyama chuckles. 

"How the hell are you guys gonna play against each other," Atsumu chuckles as he and Bokuto walkout. 

Hinata wipes his eyes and chuckles a little. "We can wait until after, I'll get to comfort him when we beat his ass," Hinata smirks but got punched in the shoulder by Kageyama. "Ow," Hinata whines. 

"He's not wrong Kageyama, we're gonna beat your guys' ass," Atsumu smirks. 

"No, will be winning this match," Ushijima says as he walks towards the group. 

"Yeah," Kageyama smiles. Hinata looks over at Ushijima and smiles. 

"Hi," Hinata waves. 

"Shoyo Hinata, it's good to see you again," Ushijima says. 

Hinata smiles and soon looks back at his boyfriend. His eyes go wide as his hair and he soon breaks out into laughter. Everyone stares at him weirdly and soon Hinata stops a little. "Y-Your hair," Hinata laughs. Kageyama glares at Hinata and hits him again. "Why!!" Hinata whines and glares at him. 

"HINATA SHOYO!!!" Hoshiumi yells as he walks towards them all. 

"Oh, Hoshiumi, Hi," Hinata smiles. 

"How tall are you?" Hoshiumi asks. 

"Taller than I was before I left," Hinata responds. He grew a little but he was never gonna admit it. 

"That doesn't answer my question," Hoshiumi says. 

"Yes it does," Hinata smiles. Hoshiumi glares but soon dropped it. 

"You guys better have your flu shots," Sakusa says. Hinata smiles and he moves closer to Kageyama. He grabs his hand as everyone starts to talk. 

"We have to go," Atsumu says. 

Hinata pouts and looks at Kageyama. "I'll see you on the court," Hinata smiles. He starts to walk away but Kageyama kept a grip on Hinata's hand. Everyone went back to the locker rooms and Hinata looks at Kageyama. "You want a kiss don't you?" Hinata asks. 

"Yeah," Kageyama smirks. Hinata stands on his tippy toes and kisses Kageyama. Kageyama kisses back and soon Hinata pulls away. 

"Be ready for me to beat your ass on the court," Hinata smirks. 

"Just wait until we get in bed," Kageyama smirks making Hinata's face red. The two walk to there own locker rooms and prepared for the game. 


When the two were on the court Kageyama had a smirk on his face while Hinata had a look of get ready to lose. Everyone who knew Hinata and Kageyama were ready to see what was gonna happen. 


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