Trans Hinata (Kagehina)

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Kageyama walks through the school hallways to find his boyfriend so they could eat lunch. He runs a hand through his hair as he walks into Hinata's classroom. "Hinata," Kageyama says and sees Hinata was talking to some guys. "I swear if there flirting with him," Kageyama grumbles and walks over to his boyfriend. Hinata was silent as the three boys were talking to Hinata. That's when Kageyama knew something was up. "Hinata?" Kageyama says as he gets closer to Hinata. The three boys got scared and ran off.

"Kageyama," Hinata smiles and stands up. "Let's go eat lunch," Hinata smiles. Hinata drags Kageyama off and the two walk towards a bench outside.

"What did they say to you?" Kageyama asks.

"Nothing," Hinata mumbles and sits down. Kageyama sighs and sits down next to Hinata.

"I swear if they were flirting with you I'm gonna kill them," Kageyama says while eating his food.

"They weren't," Hinata smiles and leans on Kageyama.

"Then what were you guys talking about?" Kageyama asks.

"It's nothing," Hinata mumbles. Kageyama rolls his eyes and wraps his arm around Hinata.

"Your gonna have to tell me later," Kageyama sighs.

"I will," Hinata says and goes back to eating.


Hinata skips with Kageyama down the hall to the clubroom both their hands connected. Kageyama smiles and watches Hinata, his smile soon goes away when Hinata stopped skipping. He glanced up ahead and saw the same boys who were talking to Hinata earlier. "You go ahead," Hinata says. Kageyama looks back at Hinata and shakes his head. "Please, I promise if something happens I'll yell for you," Hinata smiles. Kageyama sighs and kisses Hinata's head.

"Fine," Kageyama smiles and walks away glaring at the boys as they walk by. He turns the corner and quickly waits there trying to hear what they're gonna talk about.

"Hey Trannie," One of them says to Hinata.

"Looks like your boyfriend is finally gone, no one to protect you now," Another one says.

"You know, you should be on the girl's team, I'm guessing the guys on your team don't want a cuntboy on it," The other one smirks.

"S-Shut up," Hinata whines tears coming to his eyes.

"We're not wrong, most of them would probably beat you up like how we're about to beat you up," One of them smiles and lifts his fist ready to punch him. Hinata's eyes shut close and he stands still, waiting for the punch. After a few seconds, Hinata heard a noise but didn't feel anything. He opens his eyes to find Kageyama punching one of them.

"K-Kageyama," Hinata stutters. The three boys scatter away and Kageyama looks at Hinata.

"Why didn't you tell me," Kageyama sighs.

"I-I didn't wanna worry you," Hinata mumbles and looks down. Kageyama sighs and hugs Hinata tight. Hinata hides his face in Kageyama's chest and cries quietly.

"How long?" Kageyama asks.

"2 months," Hinata mumbles.

"2 MONTHS!!!" Kageyama yells. Hinata winces and Kageyama's eyes soften. "You should have said something Hinata," Kageyama sighs.
"I'm sorry," Hinata says while looking down. Silence takes the two and soon Hinata looks at Kageyama. "Am I a girl?" Hinata asks.

"What no, you're a boy, you'll always be a boy, you're my boyfriend Hinata if you were a girl I'd call you my girlfriend," Kageyama smiles. "I don't even like girls so if you were a girl I wouldn't do this," Kageyama smirks and kisses Hinata. Hinata quickly kisses back and smiles.

"Alright," Hinata smiles as he pulls away from Kageyama.

"I love you Hinata," Kageyama smiles.

"I love you too," Hinata smiles. The two soon start to walk to the clubroom hand in hand.

"We should skip," Kageyama smiles.

"We'll get yelled at for skipping," Hinata whines.

"Who cares. we'll say your sick," Kageyama smirks.

"B-But," Hinata mumbles.

"We're gonna be late anyway, we'll just grab our stuff and go to my house," Kageyama smiles.

Hinata sighs and looks at Kageyama. "Fine," Hinata smiles. The two-run towards the club room quickly grabbing their stuff and running towards the exit of the school.

When the two escape they stop and catch their breaths. "Lord Christ," Kageyama mumbles.

"We should hurry home incase Ukai isn't there catches us as he is coming, now," Hinata says.

"Oh, I've caught you guys," The two hear and look over to see Ukai. The two groan and Ukai moves out of the twos way. "I skipped a few times when I was in high school, hurry up before the team looks for you two," Ukai says.

"Thank you, coach!!!" Hinata and Kageyama yell as they run away. Ukai rolls his eyes and walks towards the gym. Hinata and Kageyama run away and soon get to Kageyama's house. "Thank god Ukai was ok with this," Hinata smiles.

"Yeah," Kageyama smiles as he flops on his bed. Hinata is about to get on when Kageyama stops him. "Binder," Kageyama says making Hinata pout.

"Whyyyyyy," Hinata whines.

"You'll hurt yourself," Kageyama says. Hinata pouts and soon took his binder off. He steals one of Kageyama's sweatshirts and soon lays ontop of Kageyama.

"I hate you," Hinata mumbles.

"I love you too," Kageyama says while rolling his eyes.


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