MattsunHanaIwaOi Smut

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By the way, there in college and Oikawa has a nice ass. 

Also, I made Oikawa like an inch shorter than them cause I think it would be funny 

Oikawa bites his lip as he looks into the mirror. "Damn I look good," Oikawa mumbles fixing the lingerie he was wearing. He walks out of the room and to the kitchen. His boyfriends weren't home yet and Oikawa wanted to surprise them. Oikawa hums a small song as he starts to make himself cookies. 


"I'm home," Iwaizumi says as he opens the door. 

"In the kitchen," Oikawa smiles. Iwaizumi nods and walks towards the kitchen. 

"Are you making cookies?" Iwaizumi asks smells the cookies being baked. 

"Yeah," Oikawa smiles. Iwaizumi looks over at Oikawa and his eyes go wide. Oikawa was sitting on the kitchen counter eating the cookie dough he had left. 

"W-What are you wearing?" Iwaizumi asks. 

"Hm, oh this, just something I found, do you like it?" Oikawa asks and jumps off the counter. He twirls around a little and Iwaizumi nods his eyes landing on Oikawa's ass. "Good," Oikawa smiles. "Also, you gotta wait till the cookies are done," Oikawa smirks noticing the look Iwaizumi had. 

"Damn," Iwaizumi mumbles. He glances at the timer on the over and thanks to the lord that there were only 3 minutes left. Iwaizumi tries his best to not stare at his boyfriend who was cleaning up the mess. 

"Do you know when Makki and Mattsun are gonna be here?" Oikawa asks. 

"Both there classes end in about 10 minutes," Iwaizumi says. "So 20?" Iwaizumi questions. Oikawa just nods and continues to clean the bowl. When the oven timer beeped Oikawa cheers and grabs an oven mitt. Iwaizumi looks at Oikawa and groaned when Oikawa bent over. 

"Take a photo it will last longer," Oikawa jokes as he stands up.

"Shut up," Iwaizumi grumbles. Oikawa just laughed and set the pan down. He takes the oven mitt off and sits back on the counter. "Can I kiss you now?" Iwaizumi asks. 

"Not yet, if Makki and Mattsun are gonna be here soon we should wait," Oikawa smirks. Iwaizumi groans and he stomps out of the kitchen. "Aw Iwa-Chan, don't be like that," Oikawa whines and jumps off the counter. He rolls his eyes and waited for about 2 minutes before he picked up a cookie and ate it. "Ah, this is why I cook," Oikawa smiles and finishes the cookie. "Iwa-Chan, come have one," Oikawa smiles. 

"No," Iwaizumi says from the living room. 

"Iwa-Chan," Oikawa whines. Oikawa grabs one cookie and walks out to the living room. He sits on Iwaizumi lap and holds the cookie up. "Eat it," Oikawa pouts putting the cookie to Iwaizumi's lips. Iwaizumi shakes his head and Oikawa keeps his pout. "Why," Oikawa whines. "Please come on, I'll let you kiss me," Oikawa smiles. Not even a second later Iwaizumi had eaten the cookie. 

"These are good," Iwaizumi smirks. "You know what's better though?" Iwaizumi asks. 

"What?" Oikawa asks. 

"Your lips," Iwaizumi smirks before he kisses Oikawa. Oikawa of course kissed back. 


"Were home," Mattsun says and walks in Makki. 

"Did you make cookies?" Makki asks from the cookie smell. No response. 

Haikyu!!!. Oneshots. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つWhere stories live. Discover now