MattsunHanaIwaOi they have a child.

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It's really just random little things about their daughter. 

ALSO, Iwaizumi is Father, Makki is Papa, Mattsun is dad, and Oikawa is daddy. 


Oikawa smiles as he helps braid his 10-year-old daughter's hair. The four of them got her two years ago, and they couldn't be happier. The little girl loved having more than two dads, and she bragged to kids at her school. Of course, all the kids loved it and wished they did too. The parents, though, weren't too kind. Whenever any of them were dropping off Himari, parents would glare or insult them. They all could care less. 

"Daddy," Himari says. "There's a boy at school bullying me," She mumbles. 

"What, oh well, sweety, it means he likes you; your father bullied me for a long time, and look where we are," Oikawa smiles before he finishes up her hair.  

"What does he bully you about?" Oikawa asks before walking to Himari's clothes. "Dress or pants?" Oikawa asks. 

"Skirt," Himari smiles, making Oikawa chuckle. "He makes fun of me for having four dads," Himari sighs. 

"Ignore him," Oikawa says. He helps Himari into a skirt and a shirt and smiles. "Now wanna help me get your dad's up?" Oikawa asks. Himari, at this, laughs as she runs towards their bedroom and jumps on the bed. 

"Wake up!!!" Himari smiles. 

Oikawa follows and watches as Himari tries her best to get them up. They were awake, but they just groaned and ignored her. "Himari, go downstairs and get your bag ready," Oikawa smiles. Himari pouts but soon runs away. Oikawa smiles and sits on the bed. "You guys really ignored your own daughter," Oikawa says. He watches as they ignore him, and Oikawa sighs. "Well, since you guys are asleep, guess I gotta drop Himari off alone," Oikawa pouts as he stands up. "I did plan on also going to try on lingerie guess I'll go alone," Oikawa says, and of course, his boyfriends were up. 

"We're going," They all say. 

Oikawa smirks and looks at them. "Get ready then," Oikawa smiles. Oikawa leaves the room and walks downstairs to find Himari on the couch. " They'll be down in a minute," Oikawa says before sitting next to his daughter. 

A couple of minutes go by, and they all walk downstairs. Himari, of course, runs to them, and Iwaizumi picks her up. "Dad," Himari smiles and hugs Iwaizumi. 

"Hello, sweety, you ready to go?" Iwaizumi asks. 

"Yep," Himari says. 

"Himari, say bye to them we gotta go," Oikawa smiles. 

"Aren't we going?" Makki asks. 

"You guys have work remember," Oikawa smirks before taking Himari from Iwaizumi. He sets her down, and the two walk to the car. 

"Damn him," Mattsun groans. The three glared at the floor before sitting on the couch. 

"My bag!!" Himari says as Oikawa helps her in the car. 

"I'll get it, sweety ok," Oikawa smiles before shutting the door and running inside. "Do you guys know where Himari's bag is?" Oikawa asks as he walks into the living room. 

Iwaizumi grabs Oikawa's arm and pulls him close. "Are you really going to try on lingerie?" Iwaizumi asks. 

"Yep, and maybe while I'm there, I should find some new toys, something that will please me while you guys are at work," Oikawa smirks. 

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