Parents. IwaOI.Daisuga.Kagehina.

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"DADDY!!!!" Tobio yells from the living room.

Quickly Iwaizumi was in the living room in seconds. "What's wrong are you hurt," Iwaizumi says and walks over to Tobio. He picks him up from the couch quickly and starts to check him.

Tobio giggles and looks at Iwaizumi. "I'm fine, can we go to the park though?" Tobio asks.

Iwaizumi looks at Tobio with the look 'are you kidding me right now' and soon sets him back on the couch. "So you're alright," Iwaizumi asks.

"Yep, I just wanna go to the park," Tobio says.

"Okay, well, don't scare me like that again, and we can't you have to clean your room," Iwaizumi sighs.

"Aw come on daddy, I wanna go to the park," Tobio whines.

"We have to get your room cleaned, and we can't leave with dada still sleeping upstairs," Iwaizumi says and sits on the couch and looks at Tobio.

"Who says I'm still asleep," Oikawa says and walks into the living room.

"Dada, Daddy won't take me to the park," Tobio whines.

Oikawa looks over at Iwaizumi and pouts. "We should take Tobio to the park," Oikawa says and sits next to Iwaizumi.

"He has to clean his room, Oikawa, you know that," Iwaizumi glares at Oikawa.

"Daddy, come on, please, we can clean it right when we get back, please," Tobio pouts.

Oikawa smirks a little and leans on Iwaizumi to whisper in his ear. "Yeah, come on, daddy, let's go the park," Oikawa whispers.

Iwaizumi quickly glared ay Oikawa and soon groaned and looked at Tobio. "Fine, but when we get back, straight to your room," Iwaizumi says while standing up.

"YAY!!!!!" Tobio says and jumps off the couch.


They Iwaizumi family soon enough got to the park, and of course, Tobio ran towards the playset.

"He's always happy; I hope it doesn't change," Oikawa chuckles and smiles.

"It's probably not gonna happen, I was a thrilled kid," Iwaizumi says and looks at Oikawa.

"Damn, I thought I would only have to deal with one meanie for the rest of my life," Oikawa giggles but soon got a kinda soft but still hard punch in the arm from Iwaizumi.

"Ow, stop hitting me all the time; people are gonna think you're abusing me," Oikawa whines and rub his arm.

Iwaizumi rolls his eyes and drags Oikawa to a bench. "Stop being annoying all the time, and I'll stop," Iwaizumi says.

"I'm never annoying," Oikawa whines and crosses his arms. He pouts softly and looks away.

"You are now, you always act like a baby too, it needs to stop," Iwaizumi says and grabs Oikawa's chin to make him look at him.

"You love it when I act like a baby," Oikawa says.

"You said it was cute, one night," Oikawa giggles and smiles.

"Maybe it is a little," Iwaizumi says and smirks.

Oikawa chuckles, and he leans in to kiss Iwaizumi.

The two's lips connect, and Oikawa slowly closed his eyes. The moment Iwaizumi pulled away Oikawa whines and groans and pouted at Iwaizumi.

"Don't pout, you know we can't do anything here, we're in public," Iwazumi says.

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