TsukiYamaKageHina Hinata in a bikini.

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"Bakayama!!! Your so slow," Hinata whines as he drags Kageyama towards the beach.

"Shut up, I'm carrying most of the stuff," Kageyama grumbles.

"Hey Tsuki and I are carrying things as well," Yamaguchi says.

"Yeah, how come Hinata isn't?" Tsuki asks.

"Cause I'm baby," Hinata smiles and lets go of Kageyama's hand. He runs off to find a spot leaving his boyfriends all glaring at him.

"I hope he drowns," Tsukishima mumbles.

"Tsuki," Yamaguchi whines. "You know you love him," Yamaguchi smiles.

Tsukishima doesn't say anything and walks off to find Hinata. Kageyama and Yamaguchi follow Tsuki trying to find there red-headed boyfriend. The three walk for about 2 minutes before they spot Hinata standing in a spot on his phone.

Hinata didn't even notice his boyfriends setting up behind him as he smiles at his phone. Kageyama smirks at Hinata's ass and walks behind him. He slaps Hinata's ass making Hinata jump and let a yelp out. "BAKAYAMA!!" Hinata yells and glares at his boyfriend. "That hurts," Hinata whines.

"I know," Kageyama smirks and goes to sit on a chair. Hinata glares at him but soon walked towards Yamaguchi. He sits on Yamaguchi's lap making Yamaguchi laugh.

"Since you're here I'll lotion your back up," Yamaguchi smiles.

Hinata nods and goes back on his phone. Tsukishima and Kageyama watch the two both wondering what Hinata was doing. "What are you doing?" Tsukishima asks.

"Texting Kenma," Hinata smiles. His boyfriend's face all go dark at the mention of his name. They were all jealous and Hinata hated it. "He's going on a date with Kuroo and needs help with his outfit, you guys get jealous too easily," Hinata chuckles and stands up from Yamaguchi's lap. Hinata texts Kenma a quick message and soon puts his phone in a bag. "I'm gonna go by the water," Hinata smiles.

"Wait you didn't finish putting your sun lotion on," Yamaguchi says.

"I'll be fine," Hinata smiles as he walks off towards the water.

"He's gonna burn," Yamaguchi sighs.

"Yep," Tsukishima says and stands up. He looks around and smirks as he finds a store full of bathing suits. "Kageyama, come with me for a minute," Tsukishima smirks. Kageyama nods and walks off with Tsukishima. Yamaguchi smiles at the two but soon watched Hinata standing near the water. He didn't go in which confused Yamaguchi but he shrugged him off.

Hinata sighs as he looks at the water. He bites his lip and crosses his arm. He couldn't swim, he hated the fact he couldn't but he barely had time. Hinata glances over at his boyfriends confused to only see Yamaguchi. He soon looked away and stretched his arms a little. "I'm hungry," Hinata mumbles as his stomach starts to grumble. He looks back over and smiles as Kageyama and Tsukishima were back. He skips back over and soon sets himself on Tsukishima's lap. "Tsuki," Hinata smiles.

"Yeah," Tsukishima asks.

"I'm hungry, can we get food?" Hinata asks.

"We just got here, you can wait," Tsukishima says.

Hinata groans and moves off Tsukishima's lap. He lays on the sand and groans again. "Didn't we bring at least chips?" Hinata asks.

"I think," Yamaguchi smiles as he goes through some of the bags.

"You guys left, where'd you go?" Hinata asks as he moves over to Kageyama.

"We went to get you something," Kageyama smirks as he holds up a bag.

Haikyu!!!. Oneshots. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つWhere stories live. Discover now