KageHina. Docter Au

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hey guys... I'm back... kinda... i won't be posting a lot like I used to. But I will try and write some stuff. If I get good requests I wanna write, I'll write them. I'll try and update like once every two weeks. I don't know. I'm gonna try my best!!

Part two to the doctor's story.

Basically, it's set about 5 months after Hinata's been working, so yeah. 

Also, I may or may not have had nothing to watch, so I watched Grey's Anatomy, so some parts might be like the show cause I have no idea how hospitals work. Also, yes, I watched the first 5 seasons. I was in love with a man and needed to see what happened. 

Also, I have no idea how bodies work, so I'm sorry. 

Hinata groans as he walks over to Suga and Oikawa. "Hey," Suga smiles. 

Hinata groans, making Oikawa and Suga laugh. "I heard you have a big surgery today," Oikawa says. 

"Yeah," Hinata yawns. "I need a nap," Hinata whines. 

"Then go nap," Suga says. 

"But Kageyama isn't with me," Hinata groans making Suga chuckle.

"Page him," Oikawa says. 

"SOS him," Suga smirks. Hinata smiles and soon pulls his pager out. 


"My God, I'm hungry," Iwaizumi says while shoving the bag of chips in his mouth. 

"Don't chock on them," Daichi says. Iwaizumi just rolls his eyes. 

Kageyama sits down next to the two and sighs. "I need a nap," Kageyama says. 

"Then go nap," Iwaizumi says. 

Kageyama sighs and stands up. He stretched his arms, ready to go nap, when his pager went off. "I hate my life," Kageyama groans. He looks at it, his eyes going wide. He quickly runs off and all the way to Hinata. When he gets to a room, he sees Hinata and quickly grabs him. "Are you ok?" Kageyama asks. 

"Yeah," Hinata smiles. 

"You paged me," Kageyama says. 

"I know, that was to sleep," Hinata says before opening the door to the room with the beds. 

"Your joking," Kageyama says. 

"Nope," Hinata smirks before jumping on one bed. "Come cuddle me," 

Kageyama glares at him but soon shuts the door. He falls on the bed and pulls Hinata close. "I love and hate you sometimes," Kageyama chuckles. 

"I know," Hinata giggles. 


Hinata woke up to one of their pagers going off. Hinata groans and leans over, grabbing his. "Noooooo," Hinata whines. 

"What?" Kageyama yawns. 

"I have to go," Hinata pouts. "I have a surgery to do," Hinata says before getting up. 

"What are you doing?" Kageyama asks. 

"I'm just taking some tumor out of an old dude," Hinata says. "Nothing too exciting," Hinata sighs. 

"Alright, page me if you need me," Kageyama yawns. Hinata nods and walks out of the room. He skips towards Suga and smiles. 

"Alright, I'm ready; what room is it in?" Hinata asks. 

Haikyu!!!. Oneshots. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つWhere stories live. Discover now