TsukiYamaKageHina smut

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Hinata groans as he pouts at his boyfriends. "You guys," Hinata whines. 

"Pay attention to me," Hinata pouts. 

"Shush," Kageyama says as he types on his computer. 

"We have school work to do," Tsukishima mumbles. 

"Yeah, when we're done, we'll pay attention to you, we swear," Yamaguchi smiles. Hinata groans and stomps off to the bedroom. 

"Stupid boyfriends," Hinata pouts before falling on the bed. He lays there for a few minutes before he got an idea. He saw a video on tik tok about someone walking out to their partner naked. Hinata smirks before he quickly takes off all his clothes. He bites his lip, thinking if he should wear a pair of lace underwear, and decides he should. They were ignoring him, so they shouldn't get to see all of him just yet. Hinata puts on a pair of red lace panties and walks out of the bedroom. He skips towards the kitchen, of course getting the attention of his boyfriends. 

"H-Hinata?" Yamaguchi says. 

"Yeah?" Hinata asks, peeking his head out of the kitchen. 

"W-What are you wearing?" Kageyama asks. 

"Nothing," Hinata smirks before going back into the kitchen. Quickly all three of his boyfriends run into the kitchen. They stare at Hinata, and their eyes are wide. "What?" Hinata asks before drinking some water. 

"That's nothing," Tsukishima says, pointing at what Hinata was wearing. 

"Oh, meh, just thought I would put it on," Hinata smirks before leaving the kitchen. His boyfriends kept their eyes on him and smirked slightly. 

"I'll be upstairs when you wanna pay attention to me, come up," Hinata says before walking upstairs. He walks into the bedroom and lays on the bed, laughing a little when he heard his boyfriend's footsteps running up the stairs. 

"You have our full attention now," Tsukishima says. 

Hinata smirks and takes off the panties. "Clothes Off," Hinata smirks. Kageyama and Tsukishima quickly took their clothes off while Yamaguchi slowly while smirking. 

"So, you're in charge now?" Yamaguchi asks. From those words, Tsukishima and Kageyama pinned Hinata down.

Hinata pouts a little, but his pout turned into a smile when Kageyama kissed his neck. Yamaguchi smiles and moves to the red lace panties. "Teasing us to get our attention, that's not good Hinata," Yamaguchi smirks. "I would spank you, but I'm just too hard to wait any more," Yamaguchi smirks before sliding the panties off. Hinata shivers at this closing his eyes tight. Yamaguchi always talked dirty, and it turned Hinata on so much. "I'll fuck Hinata first; then you guys can fight over who goes next," Yamaguchi says before grabbing the lube from the table. He comes back and lubes up fingers before shoving them in Hinata's ass. 

"Shit," Hinata moans before grabbing the bedsheets. Kageyama works on giving Hinata hickeys, and Tsukishima works on playing with Hinata's cock. "T-Tsuki, if you do that's I'll cum so fast," Hinata moans. 

"That's the point," Tsukishima smirks. 

"Gonna make you cum so many times," Kageyama smirks. 

Hinata shivers again and bites his lip. "B-Be gentle," Hinata mumbles. 

"We all know you don't want that," Yamaguchi smirks. 

Hinata groans and looks away from his boyfriends. Yamaguchi pulls his fingers out, making Hinata moan softly. Hinata looks at Yamaguchi and watches as he lubes his cock up. "It makes me happy that your cock is bigger than Tsuki's," Hinata smirks. Yamaguchi and Kageyama laugh a little while Tsukishima glares. 

Haikyu!!!. Oneshots. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つWhere stories live. Discover now