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Hinata sighs as he cuddles up next to Kageyama. He wasn't tired and all his boyfriends we're asleep. He sighs and looks over at Tsukishima. He pouts a little and soon sits up. "Why are you guys asleep," Hinata groans and stands up. He walks out of the room and towards the kitchen. "Stupid boyfriends being asleep," Hinata pouts and grabs a cup. He fills it up with water and drinks it. The next thing he knows he hears a loud boom from outside and his drink falls to the floor. He looks out the window and jumps at the lightening. He hears another boom and he jumps again while yelping. He darts back to the bedroom and jumps under the covers shaking as the thunderstorm continues. 


Kageyama groans as he wakes up to the thunder. He rubs his eyes and looks out the window. His eyes go wide and he looks around from Hinata. "Hinata," Kageyama says. He looks next to him and sees Hinata under the covers shaking. Kageyama smiles a little and quickly moves the covers off of Hinata. Hinata jumps into his arms and yelps at another sound of thunder. "Your gonna be ok," Kageyama mumbles. Hinata shoves his face into Kageyama's shoulder and screams at the thunder. "It's just a noise, we're gonna be ok," Kageyama whispers and rubs Hinata's back. 

Tsukishima groans as he hears a yell. He sighs and sits up to find Kageyama and Hinata hugging. "Can you guys be qu-" Tsukishima stops himself as he hears thunder and sees Hinata jump. He put the two together and he sighs. "Of course," Tsukishima mumbles. He glances down at Yamaguchi and debates if he should wake him up. He decides to let him sleep and he moved closer to Hinata and Kageyama. 

Hinata jumps as he felt another arm on his back. He looks up to see Tsukishima and smiles a little. His smile goes away when he heard thunder again and he screams quickly hiding his face in Kageyama's shoulder again. Tsukishima runs a hand through Hinata's hair as Hinata shakes. "I want Tsukishima to hold me," Hinata mumbles and quickly moves to Tsukishima. Kageyama glares at Tsukishima and Tsukishima just smirks at him. 

"Your ok," Tsukishima smiles and plays with Hinata hair. Kageyama groans and glares at Tsukishima again. "I'm his favorite," Tsukishima mouths and Kageyama rolls his eyes. Hinata yelps again at the thunder and keeps shaking

Yamaguchi grumbles as he woke up. He looks to see his boyfriends all sitting together. "Guys," Yamaguchi yawns. 

"Yamaguchi," Hinata yells and jumps to Yamaguchi. He hugs him quickly and Yamaguchi was confused. He soon realized it when he heard thunder and felt Hinata jump. "Ohhhhhh," Yamaguchi mumbles. Hinata hugs Yamaguchi tighter and Yamaguchi covers Hinata's ears. 

"Looks like your not his favorite," Kageyama smirks as Hinata started to calm down from Yamaguchi. Tsukishima rolls his eyes and lays back down. Hinata jumps again at the thunder as Kageyama played with Hinata's hair. 

"Make it stop," Hinata mumbles as Yamaguchi fixed his hands-on Hinata's ears. Tsukishima moved over to the three and hugged Hinata's waist. The thunder got louder and Hinata started crying. He cries into Yamaguchi's shoulder and everyone's eyes softened. 

"It will be gone soon," Kageyama says. 

"Yeah, give it a few minutes," Tsukishima mumbles. 

"We'll keep talking if it will help," Yamaguchi smiles. Hinata nods and they all smile. 

"Remember in high school are first year, you wore my jersey one time and you didn't even know until we got to the bus," Kageyama smiles. 

"Oh yeah, you were freaking out thinking you lost it, and then we found Hinata in it," Yamaguchi laughs. Hinata smiles a little but jumps again at the loud thunder. 

"Remember our third year, we met the first years and they all thought you were your own sibling," Tsukishima laughs a little. 

"Then we made them run 10 times around the gym," Kageyama smiles. Hinata laughs and he wipes his eyes as he sits up. The talking continues and soon enough Hinata had forgotten about the thunder. Kageyama was the first to hear it stop so he quickly snatched Hinata and laid back down. "Sleep," Kageyama yawns as Kageyama hugs him. 

"I wanna cuddle with Tsukishima," Hinata pouts. Kageyama groans and Hinata soon cuddled on Tsukishima. Yamaguchi smiles and moves over to Kageyama. The two cuddled trying to fall asleep hoping they could. Hinata smiles a little and kisses all his boyfriends. "I love you guys," Hinata yawns. 

"Love you too," They all smile and soon the four were asleep. 


When Hinata woke up the next day he found himself alone in the bed. He stands up and stretches while yawning. "GUYS!!" Hinata yells. He walks out to the living room to find his boyfriends cuddling while watching a movie. "What the heck," Hinata whines. 

"You were asleep," Tsukishima says. 

"You could have woken me up," Hinata pouts. 

"Would you have woken up?" Yamaguchi asks. 

"You guys are mean," Hinata whines as he walks into the kitchen. 

"At least we're not scared of thunder," Tsukishima smirks. 

"Yeah, it's just a noise," Kageyama smirks. 

"YOU GUYS ARE MEAN!!!!" Hinata yells. 



Ok, so the rest will come out soon. Last week I had a family matter that happened and I couldn't write that much. But the rest will be out this week. 

Next week is gonna be requests from you guys. Any pride request at all, you guys can choose the ship and choose whatever pride or any sexuality or identity thing you want. Could be genderfluid characters, maybe another trans character, anything you guys want. 


Haikyu!!!. Oneshots. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つWhere stories live. Discover now