Hinata's a brat (Kagehina)

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"HINATA SHOYO!!!" Kageyama yells as he walks into the apartment. "You little shit come here!!" Kageyama yells. Today Hinata was being a brat. He ignored Kageyama at breakfast, he ignored his call, he went out and hung out with Suga with permission, and then called Kageyama at work whining about wanting to see him. He knew Hinata was masturbating to his voice and Hinata knows he can't do that without Kageyama telling him to. "HINATA!!!" Kageyama yells again as he walks upstairs.

Hinata knew he was in trouble. God his ass was gonna be dead after this. He hid in the closet in the corner behind clothes hoping Kageyama wouldn't find him. "Shit, shit, shit," Hinata mumbles.

"Hinata!!!" Kageyama yells as he walks into there room. "God you know what's gonna happen if you keep yourself hidden," Kageyama sighs. He glances at the closet and smirks. He opens the door and starts to look through the closet.

Hinata's breathing stopped and he bit his lip. He was dead. Kageyama continues to search and smirked when he heard a yelp. Kageyama grabbed Hinata's arm and pull him out. "K-Kageyama," Hinata stutters. "O-Ok, I-I was a jerk today, I-I'm sorry," Hinata stutters as Kageyama drags him to the bed. "K-Kageyama," Hinata whines. Kageyama threw Hinata on to the bed and glared at him.

"So the brat wants to talk now," Kageyama grumbles.

"K-Kageyama please, I'm sorry," Hinata whines as he moves away from Kageyama.

"Nope, you can't get yourself out of this one," Kageyama says. Hinata bites his lip and glances at the door. He could make a break for it and then wait for Kageyama to calm down. Kageyama was fuming and Hinata winced already feeling his ass hurting. Hinata bit his lip again and soon jumped off the bed and tried running to the door. "Hinata," Kageyama sighs and grabs Hinata's arm. He pulls him close and lands a smack on Hinata's ass.

"Kageyama," Hinata whines as he gets thrown back on the bed.

"Lord Hinata," Kageyama sighs and rubs his temples. "It's like your asking to get spanked," Kageyama says and sits on the bed. "Alright, over my lap," Kageyama says and looks at his boyfriend.

"N-No," Hinata stutters and backs away from Kageyama.

"Hinata, over here now," Kageyama says. Hinata pouts and looks down. He moves closer to Kageyama and lays himself on Kageyama's lap. "Good boy," Kageyama says and runs a hand through Hinata's hair. "Now why were you being a brat today?" Kageyama asks.

Hinata pouts a little and looks down at the floor. "I wanted attention," Hinata mumbles.

"Louder," Kageyama says and slaps Hinata's ass.

"I wanted attention," Hinata yells.

Kageyama smiles and he lays a hand on Hinata's ass. "Now why did you want attention?" Kageyama asks.

"You're always going to work," Hinata sighs and closes his eyes. Kageyama's eyes soften a little and he plays with Hinata's hair.

"You could have said something," Kageyama says. "Instead of being a brat," Kageyama grumbles and slaps Hinata's ass again. Hinata yelps and glares at the floor. "I'm sorry if I've been working too much, but I still need to punish my little brat," Kageyama smirks. Hinata's face filled with a light blush and he nods slowly. "How many?" Kageyama asks.

"25," Hinata mumbles.

"50," Kageyama smirks.

"35?" Hinata asks.

"40," Kageyama says as he gets Hinata's pants and boxers off. Hinata didn't respond and Kageyama smiles. "40 it is then," Kageyama smirks and lays a hand on Hinata's ass again. "I want you to count all of them, and if you don't we'll restart," Kageyama says. Hinata nods and Kageyama spanks him once. "Words," Kageyama says. 

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