Oikawa hurts his knee at practice. (MattsunHanaIwaOi)

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Idea from an AO3 story kinda. 

Oikawa sighs as he limps to the club room. He bites his lip ignoring the pain in his leg. He was just gonna have to deal with it for now. "Hello boys," Oikawa says as he walks into the club room. Everyone in there either grunts or says hello. Oikawa smiles and walks over to his locker. He starts to change ignoring the pain in his knee. 

"Hey," Iwaizumi sighs and opens his locker. 

"Iwa-Chan," Oikawa smiles and puts his knee pads on. Iwaizumi smiles a little and changes. "Where's Makki and Mattsun?" Oikawa asks as he looks around the club room. 

"I don't know," Iwaizumi says. 

Oikawa nods and sits on a bench trying to ignore the pain in his leg. He stretches his arms and watches Iwaizumi. "You know watching Iwaizumi while he changes is kinda creepy," Oikawa hears from behind him. Oikawa lets a yelp out and he jumps. He looks behind him and glares at Makki and Mattsun.

"Shut up," Oikawa grumbles. 

"Were just stating facts," Makki smirks. 

"Oh shut up," Oikawa sighs and stands up. "I'm gonna go to the gym," Oikawa says and walks out of the club room. The pain in his knee thankfully was gone. He sighs in relief and walks into the gym. The coaches weren't gonna be here today thankfully so Oikawa had planned to have a practice match with the team. He watches the first years put the net up as he stretches his legs. "Damn knee," Oikawa grumbles. He sighs and waits for his boyfriends to come and join him. 

"Hey first years, hurry that up, I wanna beat your asses," Oikawa hears from behind him. 

"You guys take forever," Oikawa says and looks at his boyfriends. 

"You're just to fast," Makki smirks. Oikawa rolls his eyes and sighs as the net was up. 

"Ok let's get this started," Oikawa smiles. "Third years vs second and first years," Oikawa smiles. Everyone splits up and Oikawa then noticed something. "One of the third years have to play with the second and first years," Oikawa says and looks at the guys on his team. 

"I vote Oikawa," Makki and Mattsun say. 

"What!!" Oikawa whines. "I'm your setter," Oikawa whines. 

"We don't need you," Iwaizumi smirks. Oikawa glares at them and soon flips them off. 

"You guys suck," Oikawa grumbles and walks to the other side. "You guys now have me on your team," Oikawa smiles. 

"We don't want him," Kunimi groans. 

"Oh shut up let's just start the game," Makki yells. 


The game was interesting, very interesting. Oikawa's team was winning by a few points cause well it's Oikawa's team. And Oikawa's knee was doing bad. The first set he made he landed down wrong and his knee felt the pain. His severs got weaker every time cause of his knee, and it was slowly showing. 

Iwaizumi was catching on a little but he slowly forgot as Oikawa was gonna serve. He noticed the look on his face and his eyes go wide. "Shit, guys back up," Iwaizumi says. Makki and Mattsun's eyes go wide and they groan. 

"He better miss," Makki grumbles. 

Oikawa smirks and he throws the ball up. He goes to jump but his knee didn't let him. He hit the ball and it hit the net falling down to the ground. Everyone watches the ball while Oikawa fell the ground his knee screaming at him. "Geez Oikawa that serve was horrible," Mattsun smirks but his smirk soon fell when he saw Oikawa. "Oikawa," Mattsun says and quickly runs to him. Everyone looked over at him and their eyes go wide. 

Haikyu!!!. Oneshots. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つWhere stories live. Discover now